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Farmers union to hold potluck meeting
Cardio Picnic
Monroe Clinic Cardiac Rehabilitation patients enjoyed each other’s company at a recent Twining Park potluck. Exercise physiologist Kacie Vergeront greets rehab patient George Buol as he signs up for prizes at the Monroe Clinic Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation appreciation picnic. Peeking out from behind the balloon is R.N. Kristi Langhus assisting at the table with her daughter Sage Langhus.

MONROE — The Wisconsin Farmers Union-South Central Chapter will hold their monthly meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 10 at the Green County Pleasant View Park, at the corner of County N and Wis. 81, north of Monroe. 

The meeting will be a picnic potluck. Guest Tommy Enright will discuss WFU’s Rural Voice Project.