DARLINGTON - One important school-related form parents often overlook is the application for free and reduced-priced school meals.
"Many people assume that these forms are only for limited income families, but it is important for all parents to fill them out," said Mary Knellwolf, Family Living Educator with the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
The returned meal application forms affect the school district's funding. School districts rely on returned applications showing how many students are entitled to free and reduced-price meals for important financial support.
The Title 1 program, which helps students improve academic performance, provides financial assistance to schools with a high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
The E-rate program offers discounts on telecommunication services needed for technology in the classroom based on the number of meal applications.
Grant money that improves school nutrition programs is often awarded based on the number of students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
If you haven't completed an application yet, there's still time, according to Jessica Sharkus, assistant director of School Nutrition at the Department of Public Instruction.
The Wisconsin School Breakfast Web site at http://www.uwex.edu/ces/flp/food/schoolbreakfast/ features information about the benefits of breakfast and school breakfast programs. The Department of Public Instruction's Wisconsin Child Nutrition Programs' Web site www.dpi.wi.gov/fns/index.html contains more information.
"Many people assume that these forms are only for limited income families, but it is important for all parents to fill them out," said Mary Knellwolf, Family Living Educator with the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
The returned meal application forms affect the school district's funding. School districts rely on returned applications showing how many students are entitled to free and reduced-price meals for important financial support.
The Title 1 program, which helps students improve academic performance, provides financial assistance to schools with a high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
The E-rate program offers discounts on telecommunication services needed for technology in the classroom based on the number of meal applications.
Grant money that improves school nutrition programs is often awarded based on the number of students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
If you haven't completed an application yet, there's still time, according to Jessica Sharkus, assistant director of School Nutrition at the Department of Public Instruction.
The Wisconsin School Breakfast Web site at http://www.uwex.edu/ces/flp/food/schoolbreakfast/ features information about the benefits of breakfast and school breakfast programs. The Department of Public Instruction's Wisconsin Child Nutrition Programs' Web site www.dpi.wi.gov/fns/index.html contains more information.