DARLINGTON - Darlington High School will combine "A Midsummer Night's Dream," William Shakespeare's most popular comedy, with bump-its and tanning beds and set it on the Jersey Shore for the spring production, "Midsummer/Jersey."
Mia is in love with Lyle, but her mother wants her to marry Dennis when she is old enough. To escape her mother, Mia and Lyle intend to elope to Canada and make plans to meet at the beach behind the wonky shower. Dennis follows them with Helene, who is madly in love with him, in pursuit. A love quadrangle develops among the teenagers when mischievous Puck plays Cupid. Meanwhile, a group of amateur actors rehearse a badly-written play to be performed for Governor Athens on his wedding day. These mechanics soon find their lives changed by the doings of Oberon and Titania, the warring king and queen of the fairies.
The comedy will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the high school auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the Darlington High School office for $6 or at the door for $8.
For more information, call 608-776-4001.
Mia is in love with Lyle, but her mother wants her to marry Dennis when she is old enough. To escape her mother, Mia and Lyle intend to elope to Canada and make plans to meet at the beach behind the wonky shower. Dennis follows them with Helene, who is madly in love with him, in pursuit. A love quadrangle develops among the teenagers when mischievous Puck plays Cupid. Meanwhile, a group of amateur actors rehearse a badly-written play to be performed for Governor Athens on his wedding day. These mechanics soon find their lives changed by the doings of Oberon and Titania, the warring king and queen of the fairies.
The comedy will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the high school auditorium. Tickets may be purchased at the Darlington High School office for $6 or at the door for $8.
For more information, call 608-776-4001.