DARLINGTON - New American flags were recently hung on each light pole on Darlington's Main Street.
The flag kit installation was a project of the Darlington Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 214. The flags were donated in honor or memory of veterans by Darlington area residents and organizations. The kits included a 3-by-5 flag, all the mounting hardware and a vinyl sign to recognize the donor and honoree.
The Sons of the American Legion Squadron is a member organization of Darlington American Legion Post 214. SAL members are not necessarily veterans themselves but must be the son or grandson of a veteran. SAL's mission is to serve veterans and their families and honor their sacrifice through community service projects like the Avenue of Flags project.
For more information, contact Jason King at 608-776-3032 or David Blaser at 608-776-2353 or visit www.legion.org/sons.
The flag kit installation was a project of the Darlington Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 214. The flags were donated in honor or memory of veterans by Darlington area residents and organizations. The kits included a 3-by-5 flag, all the mounting hardware and a vinyl sign to recognize the donor and honoree.
The Sons of the American Legion Squadron is a member organization of Darlington American Legion Post 214. SAL members are not necessarily veterans themselves but must be the son or grandson of a veteran. SAL's mission is to serve veterans and their families and honor their sacrifice through community service projects like the Avenue of Flags project.
For more information, contact Jason King at 608-776-3032 or David Blaser at 608-776-2353 or visit www.legion.org/sons.