MONROE - Green County farmers responded to another opportunity to dispose of waste agriculture plastic from silo bags, wrapped bales, milk house soap and acid containers and plastic twine during a recent two week period at the Green County Landfill. Twenty-nine producers from 13 of the 16 townships in Green County brought in 31,420 pounds of used agriculture plastic during the recent November collection program. The plastic was compressed into bales weighing approximately 2,300 pounds each.
Based on the success of the 2008 collections programs Green County would like to offer another Ag plastic collection program in the spring of 2009. Unfortunately, we were just informed today that the company (AGSI) we had partnered with to take the Ag plastic has dissolved, and that some of the former partners are currently trying to restructure the business under a new name. AGSI was the only company in the area that was willing to take used Ag plastics. Until another company can be secured to take the plastic we will not be able to schedule any further collections in Green County.
The first collection program last March garnered over 50,000 pounds of plastic from Green County farmers. The latest collection brings the total amount of used Ag plastic collected in the county to over 40 tons, which equates to approximately 82 cubic yards of landfill space that did not have to be used for the plastic disposal.
Based on the success of the 2008 collections programs Green County would like to offer another Ag plastic collection program in the spring of 2009. Unfortunately, we were just informed today that the company (AGSI) we had partnered with to take the Ag plastic has dissolved, and that some of the former partners are currently trying to restructure the business under a new name. AGSI was the only company in the area that was willing to take used Ag plastics. Until another company can be secured to take the plastic we will not be able to schedule any further collections in Green County.
The first collection program last March garnered over 50,000 pounds of plastic from Green County farmers. The latest collection brings the total amount of used Ag plastic collected in the county to over 40 tons, which equates to approximately 82 cubic yards of landfill space that did not have to be used for the plastic disposal.