Thursday, November 4
Albertson Memorial Library, 2:30 p.m., 7th and 8th grade book club, Albany. They will discussion of Neil Gaiman's "The Graveyard Book"
Alcoholics Anonymous, 10 a.m., location changed to Crossroads Monroe Campus Student Center, 1113 17th Ave., rear entrance, Monroe. Information: (608) 214-8109.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book), Congregational United Church of Christ, E. 201 23rd St., Brodhead.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m. (Big Book Study), Grace United Methodist Church, 326 W. Pearl, Belleville.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., St. John's Church, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 84 will meet at 7 p.m., at the Post Home. Please bring items for the troops or cash donations. All members are urged to attend.
Black Hawk Parent's Club, meeting, 7:30 p.m., South Wayne Library.
Celebrate Recovery, 6:30 p.m., Grace Church, 416 2nd St., New Glarus. Information: (608) 527-5664.
Monroe High School Vocal Music Department, fall concert, 7:30 p.m., in the Performing Arts Center at the high school.
Monroe Kiwanis, noon, American Legion, Monroe.
Monroe Optimists, 6:30 p.m., Swiss Alps Restaurant, speaker Pam Christopher of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce.
The Swiss Attic Fanciers Quester Club, 9:15 a.m., monthly meeting at Turner Hall. Coffee and bakery items will be provided.
Yester Year Auto Club Christmas party, 7 p.m., First National Bank and Trust. Bring finger food. Coffee and lemonade will be furnished.
Friday, November 5
American Legion Post 84, Friday night fish fry with weekly special, Roast Turkey and Dressing, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe. Information: 325-4244 after 3 p.m.
Caregiver Support Group, 1 to 2:30 p.m., Monticello room, at the Monroe Clinic for the Green County Aging. For more information call (608)328- 9499.
Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m., 2003 10th St., Monroe. Helpline: (888) 431-7526.
VFW Post 2312, serving 5 to 8 p.m., Friday night fish fry and Swiss Steak and mashed potatoes with gravy, and enjoy live music, 1428 17th St., Monroe. Information: (608) 325-3338.
Saturday, November 6
Fayette United Methodist Church, annual auction, 12:30 p.m., the "Lord's Acre Auction" will serve lunch at 11 a.m., at the church in rural Darlington.
Monroe Lego Club, 1 to 3 p.m. community room, Monroe Public Library.
Sunday, November 7
Albany United Methodist Church chili supper, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tickets age 6 to adult, $5; ages 3 to 5 $2; and free for children under the age of 2.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., Monroe Room, Monroe Clinic, 515 22nd Ave., Monroe.
Annual Brodhead Jaycees Fall Arts and Crafts Show, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Brodhead Elementary and Middle Schools.