Tuesday, November 10
Albertson Memorial Library, adult book discussion group discusses "The Wednesday Letters" by Jason F. Wright, 7 p.m., library, 200 N. Water St., Albany. Information: (608) 862-3491.
Al-Anon Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Monroe Clinic hospital building, third floor, Monticello Room.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Church, 506 12th Ave., Fellowship Hall, New Glarus.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., Congregational United Church of Christ, E 201 23rd St., Brodhead.
First National Bank and Trust Privilege Plus Club (formerly Amcore Ambassador Club), holiday decorating program, 1:30 p.m., bank's community room, 1625 10th St., Monroe.
Green County Veterans Memorial Park, meeting, 7 p.m., Monroe American Legion Zilmer-Riley Post No. 84, 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Monroe Clinic Diabetes Support Group, palliative care discussion, 7 to 8:30 p.m., clinic building, main campus, lower level, Monroe.
National Alliance on Mental Illness, support meeting, 6:30 p.m., Angelus Retirement Community, second floor conference room, 616 8th Ave., Monroe.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, weigh-in 11 to 11:15 a.m., meeting 11:15 a.m. to noon, St. Clare Friedensheim Assisted Living Center, 2003 4th St., Monroe. Information: 325-9223.
The Route 20 Chess Club, meets 6:30 to 8 p.m., room H208, Student/Conference Center (Building H), Highland Community College, Freeport.
Washington Church Cemetery Association, annual meeting, 7:30 p.m., Washington Church.
Wednesday, November 11
Albertson Memorial Library, preschool story time, 9:30 a.m., library, 200 N. Water St., Albany. Information: (608) 862-3491.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., call (608) 325-5527 for meeting location (Big Book and discussion).
Darlington High School, veterans day salute, 10 a.m., Darlington High School gymnasium. Community members and guests invited to stay for lunch in the music room.
Kenneth S. Wells American Legion Post, Auxiliary Unit and SAL Squadron 209 Orfordville, veterans days program, 10:30 a.m., Parkview High School, Orfordville. Information: (608) 879-2269.
Zilmer-Riley American Legion Post No. 84 and Auxiliary Unit, Veterans Day dinner, 5:30 p.m. social hour, 6:30 p.m. dinner; Zilmer-Riley American Legion Post Home, 1627 12th Ave., Monroe. Sign-up 325-4244.
Thursday, November 12
Albertson Memorial Library, computer classes, 7 p.m., library, 200 N. Water St., Albany. Information: (608) 862-3491.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 10 a.m. Faith Baptist Church, 2003 10th St., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book), Congregational United Church of Christ, E 201 23rd St., Brodhead.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m. (Big Book Study), Grace United Methodist Church, 326 W. Pearl, Belleville.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 8 p.m., St. John's Church, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
Jane Addams Chapter of American Business Women's Association, networking 6 p.m., meeting, 6:30 p.m., Grace Alone Christian Assembly, 1421 W. Galena Ave., Freeport. Information: (815) 232-4839.
Freeport High School Theatre Department, murder mystery musical "Curtains," 7:30 p.m., Jeannette LLoyd Theatre, Freeport. Information or tickets: (815) 232-0461.
Lamont Church, roast beef dinner, serving at noon, discussion of Lafayette manor referendum, at the church.
Monroe Arts Center's 2010 Showcase of Talent Variety Show, open auditions, 6:30 to 9 p.m., MAC, 1315 11th St., Monroe. Information: (608) 325-5700.
Monroe Public Library, Picture Book Stories for ages 3 to 6 yrs., 10 a.m., 925 16th Ave., Monroe.
Monroe Public Library Teen Tech, meeting, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., 2nd floor meeting room, Monroe Public Library, 925 16th Ave., Monroe.
Monroe Sons of Norway Ostestaden Lodge, pre-Thanksgiving lefse sale at 6:30 p.m., meeting and program, 7 p.m., former Resurrection Lutheran Church north of the Ludlow Mansion, Monroe.
Monroe Stamp and Postcard Club, meeting, 7 p.m., second floor meeting room, Monroe Public Library, Monroe. Information: days (608) 328-8960 or (608) 328-2827.
South Central Wisconsin Master Gardeners, annual meeting and potluck, 6:30 p.m., multipurpose room of Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th St., Monroe. Information: (608) 328-9440.
Celebrate Recovery, 6:30 p.m., Grace Church, 416 2nd St., New Glarus. Information: (608) 527-5664.
Friday, November 13
Albany High School Music Department, musical "Annie," 7 p.m., Albany Elementary gym. Tickets sold at the door.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Zwingli UCC, 416 E. Lake Ave., Monticello.
American Legion Post 84, Friday night fish fry with weekly special roast beef or hot beef sandwich, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe. Information: 325-4244 after 3 p.m.
Freeport High School Theatre Department, murder mystery musical "Curtains," 7:30 p.m., Jeannette LLoyd Theatre, Freeport. Information or tickets: (815) 232-0461.
Juda School, presentation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 7 p.m., Juda School gymnasium. Spaghetti dinner starts at 4:30 p.m. Tickets: (608) 934-5251.
Monroe Clinic Employees and VIP's, autumn arts and craft sale 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., lunch 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Founders Hall, Monroe Clinic.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2312 Monroe, Friday night fish fry and Swiss steak and mashed potatoes, 5 to 8:30 p.m., 1428 17th St., Monroe. Information: 325-3338.
Winneshiek Players, performance of "The Dining Room," 7:30 p.m., Winneshiek Playhouse, 228 W. Clark St., Freeport. Tickets: (815) 232-7023 or e-mail: tickets@wplay.org.