Tuesday, November 15
Golden Age Club, noon, Behring Senior Center, 1113 10th St., Monroe. Card games.
Monroe TOPS Chapter 1453 meeting, 11 a.m., Monroe Methodist Church, 2227 4th St. Info: 608-325-9491.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Church, 506 12th Ave., Fellowship Hall, New Glarus.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Congregational United Church of Christ, 201 E. 23rd St., Brodhead.
Al-Anon Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Monroe Clinic hospital building, first floor, cardiac rehab conference room.
Flu Clinic, noon to 3 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Play + Learn, 9 a.m., Monroe Public Library. Ages 6 and younger with a caregiver.
Scrabble, 1 p.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus.
Albany Historical Society's November general meeting, 7 p.m., Albany Historical Museum, 119 N. Water St., Albany. "Alone in the Wilderness" video, a story of a self-sufficient man living in Alaska. Open to the public; refreshments. Reservations can be made for the Dec. 8 Christmas dinner.
Monroe Noon Optimists meeting, noon, Swiss Alps, 804 4th Ave. West, Monroe. Speaker: Joan Kamholz from Justice for a Cure. Open to the public. Info: 608-325-9768.
GCHC Barbershop Singers practice, 7 p.m., St. John's UCC, Fellowship Hall, Monroe. New singers welcome.
Wednesday, November 16
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 2227 4th St., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Apple Grove Lutheran Church, 4501 Apple Grove Church Road, Argyle.
Flu Clinic, noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Music + Movement, 10 a.m., Monroe Public Library. Ages 6 and younger with a caregiver.
LEGO Club, 3:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Grades K-12
Board Game Night, 5:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults.
Finger Knitting, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults and ages 12 and up; sign up in advance by calling 608-328-7010.
Children's Storytime, 9:30 a.m., Albertson Memorial Library, 200 N. Water St., Albany. Age 5 and younger.
Thursday, November 17
Alcoholics Anonymous, 10 a.m., United Methodist Church, 2227 4th St., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book), Congregational United Church of Christ, E. 201 23rd St., Brodhead.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book Study), Grace United Methodist Church, 326 W. Pearl St., Belleville.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., St. John's Church, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Monroe Bible Church, lower level room 102, 2613 8th Ave., Monroe. Use the west entrance (lower level).
Flu Clinic, noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Monroe Morning Optimist Club, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m., Club 48, Pleasant View complex, Monroe; enter through out-patient entrance. Visitors welcome. Speaker: Kathy Winker, director of laboratory technician programs at Blackhawk Technical College, Monroe campus.
4TEENS, 3:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Grades 6-12.
Friends of the Library Meeting, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library.
Papercraft, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults and children ages 10 and up with an adult.
Scrappy Holidays Crafting Event, 4 p.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus. Ages 12 and up.
Friday, November 18
Zilmer-Riley American Legion Unit 84, Friday night fish fry with roast beef or hot beef sandwich and pie, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Zwingli UCC, 416 E. Lake Ave., Monticello.
Flu Clinic, 9 to 11 a.m. and noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Preschool Story Time, 10:15 a.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus.
Family Movie Night, 5 p.m., Albertson Memorial Library, 200 N. Water St., Albany.
Golden Age Club, noon, Behring Senior Center, 1113 10th St., Monroe. Card games.
Monroe TOPS Chapter 1453 meeting, 11 a.m., Monroe Methodist Church, 2227 4th St. Info: 608-325-9491.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Church, 506 12th Ave., Fellowship Hall, New Glarus.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Congregational United Church of Christ, 201 E. 23rd St., Brodhead.
Al-Anon Support Group, 7:30 p.m., Monroe Clinic hospital building, first floor, cardiac rehab conference room.
Flu Clinic, noon to 3 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Play + Learn, 9 a.m., Monroe Public Library. Ages 6 and younger with a caregiver.
Scrabble, 1 p.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus.
Albany Historical Society's November general meeting, 7 p.m., Albany Historical Museum, 119 N. Water St., Albany. "Alone in the Wilderness" video, a story of a self-sufficient man living in Alaska. Open to the public; refreshments. Reservations can be made for the Dec. 8 Christmas dinner.
Monroe Noon Optimists meeting, noon, Swiss Alps, 804 4th Ave. West, Monroe. Speaker: Joan Kamholz from Justice for a Cure. Open to the public. Info: 608-325-9768.
GCHC Barbershop Singers practice, 7 p.m., St. John's UCC, Fellowship Hall, Monroe. New singers welcome.
Wednesday, November 16
Alcoholics Anonymous, 6 p.m., United Methodist Church, 2227 4th St., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Apple Grove Lutheran Church, 4501 Apple Grove Church Road, Argyle.
Flu Clinic, noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Music + Movement, 10 a.m., Monroe Public Library. Ages 6 and younger with a caregiver.
LEGO Club, 3:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Grades K-12
Board Game Night, 5:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults.
Finger Knitting, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults and ages 12 and up; sign up in advance by calling 608-328-7010.
Children's Storytime, 9:30 a.m., Albertson Memorial Library, 200 N. Water St., Albany. Age 5 and younger.
Thursday, November 17
Alcoholics Anonymous, 10 a.m., United Methodist Church, 2227 4th St., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book), Congregational United Church of Christ, E. 201 23rd St., Brodhead.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., (Big Book Study), Grace United Methodist Church, 326 W. Pearl St., Belleville.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., St. John's Church, 1724 14th St., Monroe.
Narcotics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Monroe Bible Church, lower level room 102, 2613 8th Ave., Monroe. Use the west entrance (lower level).
Flu Clinic, noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Monroe Morning Optimist Club, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m., Club 48, Pleasant View complex, Monroe; enter through out-patient entrance. Visitors welcome. Speaker: Kathy Winker, director of laboratory technician programs at Blackhawk Technical College, Monroe campus.
4TEENS, 3:30 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Grades 6-12.
Friends of the Library Meeting, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library.
Papercraft, 6 p.m., Monroe Public Library. Adults and children ages 10 and up with an adult.
Scrappy Holidays Crafting Event, 4 p.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus. Ages 12 and up.
Friday, November 18
Zilmer-Riley American Legion Unit 84, Friday night fish fry with roast beef or hot beef sandwich and pie, serving 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., 1627 12th Ave., Monroe.
Alcoholics Anonymous, 7 p.m., Zwingli UCC, 416 E. Lake Ave., Monticello.
Flu Clinic, 9 to 11 a.m. and noon to 1 p.m., Green County Health Department, N3150 Wisconsin 81, Monroe. Medicare Part B accepted with card. Cost: $35.
Preschool Story Time, 10:15 a.m., New Glarus Public Library, 319 2nd St., New Glarus.
Family Movie Night, 5 p.m., Albertson Memorial Library, 200 N. Water St., Albany.