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College News: Feb. 1, 2025
College News


MADISON — The University of Wisconsin-Madison has recognized students named to the Dean’s List for the fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year.

Albany-Christopher Brown, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Kaiya Zurfluh, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List

Argyle-Dorissa DeNure, School of Pharmacy, High Honor Roll, Mitch Hartwig, School of Pharmacy, Honor Roll, Bryce Wagner, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List. 

Belleville- Aiden Campbell, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List, Lily Gissal, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Emily Gomez, School of Human Ecology, Dean’s Honor List,Kate Grotsky, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List,  Ryan Hagen, School of Human Ecology, Dean’s Honor List, Andrew Huntington, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Josey Latorre, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Madeline Miller, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Jack Nolden, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Wyatt Parsons, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Ava Patrow, School of Business, Dean’s List, Claire Patrow, School of Human Ecology, Dean’s Honor List,  Alora Spiegel, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Jeffry Wenger, School of Education, Dean’s List, Kira Whisler, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List

Belmont- Brianna Miesen, School of Pharmacy, High Honor Roll

Benton- Ella Paquette, School of Business, Dean’s List, Zoe Stluka, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List

Blanchardville- Tessa Angle, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Tyler Durst, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List

Brodhead- Trent Anderson, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Sage Eckard-Lee, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Skylar Gretebeck, School of Education, Dean’s List, Abigail Mills, School of Business, Dean’s List

Brooklyn- Myla Brunner, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List, Ariel Foesch, School of Education, Dean’s List, Chloe Jacobson, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Reid Landay, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Aaron Lebakken, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Anna Martin, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List,  Micah Mitchell, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Avery Simpson, School of Education, Dean’s List

Browntown- Imogen Christen, School of Human Ecology, Dean’s Honor List, Skye Dickson, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List, Sloane Klein, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List

Darlington- Olivia Camacho, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List,  Braden Davis, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List, Easton Evenstad, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Jaidyn Evenstad, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Colin Montanye, School of Business, Dean’s List,  Abigail Solverson, School of Education, Dean’s List

Gratiot- Raquel Reuter, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List

Monroe- Xiaolin Liu, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Maddison Markham, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List,  Ryan Mathiason, School of Business, Dean’s List, Sarah Prien, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Brevin Rach, School of Business, Dean’s List, Emma Stietz, School of Education, Dean’s List, John Vetterli, School of Pharmacy, High Honor Roll

Monticello- Natalie Roe, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List,  Anyka Swanson, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Natalie Wahl, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List

New Glarus- Melanie Fink, School of Business, Dean’s List, Dylan Fritz, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Isabella Mancusi, School of Business, Dean’s List, Alice Neton, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Sydney O’Flanagan, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List, Jack Parkinson, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Cade Thayer, School of Business, Dean’s List, Emily Trumble, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Brooke Warrell, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List,  Kendra Wenger, College of Letters and Science, Dean’s List, Annika Ziperski, School of Education, Dean’s List

Shullsburg- Niko Karavergos, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Chandler Kelly, School of Education, Dean’s List, Peyton Timmerman, College of Engineering, Dean’s Honor List, Zach Woodworth, Col of Agricultural & Life Sci, Dean’s List

South Wayne- Erika Schultz, School of Human Ecology, Dean’s Honor List, Elijah Shelton, School of Business, Dean’s List