DARLINGTON - Carol McDaniel, experienced blue-birder, will be demonstrating nest box styles and mounting methods from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday at the Bluebird Nest Nature Center, 308 Main St., Darlington.
McDaniel will answer any questions visitors have about bluebirds and explain how to attract them, how to identify a nest and how to successfully raise them. To improve the chances of success of the parent birds and survival of the nestlings, participants will learn to follow the blue-birding strategies that have been developed over the past 30 years.
Blue-birding can be a hands-on learning activity for children or a hobby for those of any age. To learn more about bluebirds, visit the website at https://lafayettecountybluebirdsociety.wordpress.com.
McDaniel will answer any questions visitors have about bluebirds and explain how to attract them, how to identify a nest and how to successfully raise them. To improve the chances of success of the parent birds and survival of the nestlings, participants will learn to follow the blue-birding strategies that have been developed over the past 30 years.
Blue-birding can be a hands-on learning activity for children or a hobby for those of any age. To learn more about bluebirds, visit the website at https://lafayettecountybluebirdsociety.wordpress.com.