MADISON — Eight area nonprofit organizations are receiving community grants totaling over $12,000 from the Alliant Energy Foundation.
These grants are among 145 the Foundation awarded this grant cycle, totaling over $329,000. Locally, Food Faith and Farming Network, Monticello, received $2,000.
Other organizations to receive grants were: Iowa County, Dodgeville, $3,000; Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse, Inc., Prairie du Chien, $1,500; Couleecap, Inc., Westby, $1,500; Lions Club International Foundation, Mineral Point, $1,500; Community Leadership Alliance of Southwest Wisconsin, Platteville, $1,000; Kinship of Richland County, Inc., Richland Center, $1,000; Richland County UW-Extension, Richland Center, $525.