MONROE — More than 120 people attended the American Legion Zilmer-Riley Post 84 100th Anniversary Observance March 16.
Big Radio, the Monroe Times and Home Depot were recognized for their contributions through the years.
The meal was catered by Anne Bauman and her staff. The Post recognized 13 members with over 50 years each of continuous membership. The Auxiliary Unit recognized 21 members with over 50 years each of continuous membership. The speaker was Keith Lovell, the American Legion Third District Commander. Post Commander Ernest Gebhardt Jr. and Unit President Donna Douglas were masters of ceremonies.
Vickie Sasso of Sugar River Quilts of Valor and two assistants awarded seven post members the Quilts of Valor.
Interested veterans should attend the 7:30 p.m. meeting March 21 to learn how to become a member.