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ADRC volunteers save money for Green County Human Services
ADRC advisory committee chair Jerry Jansen of New Glarus, left, presents a check for $71,175 for volunteer time and talent to Green County Human Services director Greg Holcomb. (Photo supplied)
MONROE - National Volunteer Week was established in 1974 by President Richard Nixon to encourage community members to volunteer and to recognize the difference volunteers make every day. National Volunteer Week this year is the week of April 23-29.

The Aging and Disability Resource Center offers a variety of opportunities for community members to make a difference in the lives of local seniors. Opportunities include: home-delivered meals drivers, cafe and lunch volunteers, volunteer driver escorts, adult day center volunteers, advisory committee volunteers and wellness and prevention leaders.

In 2016, ADRC volunteers donated a total of 5,892 hours of time and talent in the positions listed above, saving Green County Human Services a total of $71,175 in tax-payer dollars. This is an increase of 13.6 percent in hours donated from 2015. Without community support, many programs that support seniors would not be possible.