Hello everyone. My name is Miah Roth and I am the 2019-20 Juda Dairy Queen. This year has been one of the greatest years of my life. I never would have thought I would be standing before you today. Getting to this point of my life has taken a lot of hard work. I am so beyond proud of myself for persevering through all of the tough challenges.
Being the dairy queen had many ups and few downs because of COVID-19. I have made lifelong friends and will cherish each and every one of these girls to the end. I made so many memories throughout this year. One of the best memories I had was at the flea market. At this time, I was still a candidate. We were serving ice cream to the public. Pam Burke was in charge of unlocking the trailer. However, she didn’t have the right key. So, she decided to send me through the window to let everyone in. This was very funny. It was also very hard because I was wearing a skirt. In the end, everyone made it in and we all enjoyed some ice cream afterwards.
I also would like to say a huge thank you to my mom, dad and sister. Mom, without you, I wouldn’t have been able to go through with this. I would not be standing where I am today. You have pushed me to the limit. You did it all so I would succeed. You made sure I looked beautiful for all my events and parades. I cherish every picture you take even if I don’t want any more pictures. You have put just as much effort into this position as I have. You are my rock. I am so very grateful for everything you have done for me.
Dad, you have done nothing but support me through all of this. You always made sure I had everything for the parades. I am also very lucky to have you. You always made sure I had the coolest car. It was always so fun to jam out our favorite 80’s tunes. I wish you were able to drive me in one last parade. My last parade should have been the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. I was so excited to be able to ride in our awesome truck. It really is too bad that everything had to happen and it got canceled. Nevertheless, I am still very grateful for all you have done for me throughout this year.
Maddie, you were very supportive throughout this year. I am so lucky to have a sister like you. You let me borrow your junior prom dress and turn it into my signature purple dress. You always took time out of your day to make sure I looked my best. The best part about this year with you was you always stealing my flowers at the parades. You are a queen too even if you don’t have a crown. I loved being in the parade with you and dad. I have so many memories with you that I won’t forget.
Lastly I would like to thank Rae Reeson. Thank you for always being there and answering questions I had. You are such a sweet person and I was very lucky to have met you. I love that you always have a smile on your face. Without you, I would be completely lost. Thank you for writing me letters of recommendation. I truly appreciate everything you do for me.
To the future 2020-21 Juda Dairy Queen, I wish you the best of luck with the coming year. Cherish every moment because it will go by fast. I know the beginning of the year will be rough with everything going on. I hope it gets better for you. I am so beyond proud of all three of you. If you don’t get the position this year, please run again. You won’t regret it. Thank you everyone for making this such a great year. I know it didn’t end the way we wanted it, but I wouldn’t change a thing.