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Monday, February 10:

Green County Zoning and Land Use Committee, County Board Room, Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Ave. 3:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Approval of Zoning Department bills, Conduct a public hearing including discussion and possible action relative to application 2025-001 from landowner Amy Quinn-Meier Mary Bauman LE and propose landowner Todd Malcook to rezone approximately 2.155 acres in section 34, Town of Monroe. The request is relative to the reasoning of a parcel of land from the Highway Interchange zoning district to the Agricultural zoning district. Rezoning is proposed by the applicant for rental storage units, Introduction of new staff, regard to ordinance amendments to cemeteries, regard to automobile wrecking yard definition, regard to uses in the Industrial District, regard to the 2024 Zoning Department annual report.

Green County Finance and Accounting Committee, Courthouse Board Room, 1016 16th Ave., 5:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Treasurer’s Report, grant for Land & Water Conservation, Human Services DOJ SCIP Grant Award, budgeting system, Update on Pleasant View Nursing Home. 

Green County Highway Committee, Green County Highway Department, 2813 6th St., 9:00 a.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Audit bills, Discuss a possible contract with Kern Professional Services LLC, Reports from administrative staff., approving the purchase of a 1-ton dump truck and listing the old 1-ton truck on an auction site, approving a purchase of a 1-ton foreman truck with the trade of the old foreman truck, approving the purchase of a 1/2-ton pick-up truck with a trade in of current ½ ton pickup, approving the purchase of a skid steer and listing the old skid steer on an auction site, approving the purchase of a Self-Propelled broom and trading or listing on an auction of old broom,  action to install “School Bus Stop Ahead” for N1510 CTH SS, Highway Commissioner Report: Chris Narveson, Approval of audit bills. 

Green County Facilities Building Committee, Green County Courthouse, County Board Room, 1016 16th Ave., 3:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: regarding proposals for needs assessment/ master planning/ design service for Sheriff’s Office/Jail, creation of Facilities District Committee (standing item). 

City of Monroe Public Safety Committee, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 4:45 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action:  BUSINESS PRESENTED BY POLICE DEPARTMENT - Approval of Special Event Permit - Main Street Monroe's St. Patrick's Day Parade.

City of Monroe Board of Public Works, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 4:50 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: UTILITIES SUPERVISOR - Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Fluoridation Method for the City of Monroe Water, Discussion and Possible Action on the Replacement of Well # 5 Booster Pump and Motor, Discussion and Possible Action Backup Generators at Well # 5 Well # 7 and Booster Station. 

City of Monroe Judiciary and Ordinance Review Committee, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 5:20 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Ordinance for the City of Monroe Wellhead Protection Plan, Discuss and approval to send Wellhead protection plan on to Judiciary and Ordinance review committee to make Wellhead protection Ordinance. 

City of Monroe Salary and Personnel Committee, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 5:30 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action:  BUSINESS: CLOSED UNDER WIS. STATS. 19.85 (1)(C)C. 1 BUSINESS CLOSED: Wis. Stats. 19.85(1 )(c): Considering employment, promotion, compensation or perfmmance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: REGARDING CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND COMPENSATION. 

New Glarus Fire District Monthly Meeting, New Glarus Firehouse, 7:30 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Approval of Consent Agenda- Approval of Minutes of 13 January 2025, Approval of Claims : District Bills, Department Bills, Treasurer’s Report, Fire Chief’s Report-Personnel, Trucks/Repairs, Equipment, Building and Grounds, Old Business, New Business, Events, 2025 Budget: $215,700.00-Town of Primrose, Town of York Minutes, Village of New Glarus, Town of New Glarus, Town of Perry


Tuesday, February 11:

Green County Law Enforcement/Public Safety Committee, Green County Sheriff's Training/Meeting Office, 4:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Review Emergency Management updates,  Review and possible approval of training requests, Review jail population and medical issues, Review and discussion on the Green County Facilities Building Committee updates:) Discussion and possible action on Building Project Manager,  Discussion and possible action on selection of architect,  public safety and department updates, committee on WI DOJ Statewide Crisis Intervention Program Grant, tentative Village of Monticello Law Enforcement Services Contract, Updates on dispatch services,  action on Ordinance 25-0101, County Code Section 1-7-11, Law Enforcement and Public Safety Committee oversight responsibilities,  2024 budgets and approve non-lapsing funds to 2025 budgets, Review monthly budget printout, Audit bills. 

Green County Human Services Board, Governmebt Services Building- Lower Level Multipurpose Rooms 2&3. 2:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Committee Reports: Audit Sub-Committee, Aging & Disability Advisory Committee Report,  Regional Aging & Disability Resource Center (RADRC) Governing Board Report, Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program (SWCAP) Board of Directors Report, Presentation: Green County Truancy Program, Discussion and Approval of Amended Update to Reclassification Based on Advanced Degree or Certification Policy & Procedure, Discussion and Approval to Accept Department of Justice Statewide Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Response & Harm Reduction Grant in the amount of $24,096, Approval of Human Services Contracts over $10,000 and under $150,000 for Calendar Year 2024:Wisconsin Community Services, Inc. Residential Care Center. $142,026.90; Family Works Program, Inc, Respite, $10,655; Christian Servants Home Care, LLC, Supportive Home Care, $10,573.50; ATC Bus Lines Inc, Transportation, $38,818.50; Forensic Fluids Laboratories Inc, Drug Testing, $16,076; Pharmchem Inc, Drug Testing, $13,242.68; Better Bee Inc, Physical Health Monitoring, $13,200.88; Introspection, LLC, Skill Development (Equine Therapy), $13,170; Redi Transports LLC, Behavioral Health/Secure Transportation, $10,945.35. Approval of Human Services Contracts over $10,000 and under $150,000 for Calendar Year 2025: Family Works Program, Inc, Respite, $15,000; Christian Servants Home Care, LLC,  Supportive Home Care, $15,000; Forensic Fluids Laboratories Inc, Drug Testing, $17,000; Pharmchem Inc, Drug Testing, $15,000; Better Bee Inc, Physical Health Monitoring, $15,000; Introspection, LLC, Skill Development (Equine Therapy), $15,000; Redi Transports LLC, Behavioral Health/Secure Transportation, $15,000, Recommend Remodel of Children Services’ Offices and Conference Room 268, County Housing Assistance Programs and Tennant Damage, Regarding 1915i Medicaid Supportive Housing Benefit and Becoming a Medicaid Supportive Housing Provider, Approval of Out-of-County Training Requests and Human Services Board Member Expense Authorization Requests, Director’s Report. 

Green County Property, Parks, and Insurance Committee, Courthouse 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1016 16th Ave., 6:30 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Consider Ordinance 25-0203 (TAX DEED ORDINANCE), Approve Bills. 

Green County Resolution, Legislative, and Judicial Meeting, Green County Courthouse 2nd Floor Conference Room, 1016 16th Ave., 6:40 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Consider Ordinance 25-0202 (Revised Records Retention Schedule)

Green County County Board Meeting, County Board Room, Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Ave., 7:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Discussion and possible action regarding Project/Construction Management Services for Sheriff’s Office/Jail, Consider Resolution 2-1-25 (Resolution Awarding Contract for Needs Assessment / Master Planning / Design Services), Consider Resolution 2-2-25 (Resolution Accepting Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) Statewide Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP) Grant, Consider Resolution 2-3-25 (Resolution Accepting Land and Water Conservation Cover Crop Grant), Consider Ordinance 25-0201 (Ordinance Rezoning Parcel in Town of Monroe), Consider Ordinance 25-0202 (Revised Records Retention Schedule), Consider Ordinance 25-0203 (Revised Sales of Tax Deeded Lands), Appointments: Larry Kranig to the Rail Transit Commission for a 3-year term expiring February 14, 2028. 

Wednesday, February 12: 

Black Hawk School District, Conference Room, District Office, Policy Committee- 5:30 p.m., Building and Grounds Committee meeting 5:45 p.m., Regular Board meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, February 13:

Green County Human Services Board, Government Services Building, 2nd Floor Conference Room#207, 2:00 p.m. - Open Session, 2:20 p.m. - Closed Session. Agenda Items for discussion and possible action: Audit Bills for Payment, Motion to convene in closed session. Statement of purpose for closed session pursuant to s19.85 (1)(f), Wis. Stats—Audit client specific bills for payment. Motion to reconvene in open session to approve client specific bills. 

City of Monroe Historic Preservation Commission, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave. 1:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Approval of Certificate of Appropriateness -Andrew Kranig -EMC Properties -1510 23rd Ave, Approval of Certificate of Appropriateness -Edward Jones -1007 16th Ave. 

City of Monroe Board of Park and Recreation Commission, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 5:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Parks Supervisor's Report, Recreation Director's Report, BUSINESS:OPEN- YMCA requests use of Twining Park, Approve Chrome Fireworks for 4th of July Celebration. 

City of Monroe City Plan Commission, City Hall Council Chambers, 1110 18th Ave., 5:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Review and Approval Certified Survey Map - Richard Coleman - 911 17th Street and 1625 10th Avenue. 

Friday, Febuary 14:

Green County Auditing, Bonding, and Claims Committee, Finance Conference Room, Green County Courthouse, 3:00 p.m. Agenda items for discussion and possible action: Audit bills and claims, Discuss committee policies for approving payment of bills, Statement of purpose of closed session given by the Chair as follows: Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations – Specifically, audit client specific bills for payment pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(f), Wis. Stats., Motion to enter into closed session, Motion to reconvene into open session for discussion and possible action regarding items discussed in closed session.