DARLINGTON — The Lafayette County Highway Committee met on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. at the Highway Department Conference Room.
In other business:
● Approved vouchers in the amount of $124,516, bills that stood out: Little Giant for cold patch — $2,240; Miegs for cold patch oil — $45,802; Morton Salt, took vendor reserve salt (because price may increase) — $47, 689; New Horizons for diesel fuel, $2.74 gallon — $19,984 (two other bids came in, one at . 02¢ less and the other at .04¢ less).
● Overtime report: Overtime 22.4 hours, comp time 27.8 hours for a total overtime and comp time of 50.2 hours for $1,910. It was mentioned that most the hours were storm related.
● Bridges: Carmax bridge will be let in the Fall and most likely the Co. I bridge will be let in the Fall also.
● Spring maintenance and projects: Patching for county, Darlington Township and Kendall Township. Mowing the state highways, which must be done by July 1. Graveled Wildcat Lane.
● Equipment update: Truck 192 has transmission problems, still on warranty and is at Dubuque for repair. Placed the order two tandem axle trucks with winter equipment at a cost of $559,062, they are promised to be delivered in Jan. 2025.
● Employee update: The four summer workers are working out well.