Public Notices

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CALVIN E. ERICKSON Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth July 9, 1927 and date of death May 7, 2018 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 301 22nd Avenue, Apt #28, Monroe, WI 53566 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 11, 2018. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Gloria A. Baertschi Probate Registrar June 6, 2018

Attorney Amanda M. Fields Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington, Thompson & Schluesche, S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1094267

(June 8, 15, 22, 2018) WNAXLP


City of Monroe Common Council Minutes May 15, 2018

A. CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Armstrong called the meeting to order. Present at roll call were Mayor Armstrong and Alderpersons, Boyce, Beer, Thoman, Marsh, Douglas, and Beam. Alders Bauman, Newcomer, and Schilt were absent. B. CORRECTION OF MINUTES None C. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS None D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR Mayor Armstrong presented a Poppy Day proclamation which proclaimed May 18th, 2018, as Poppy Day in the City of Monroe. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC 1. PRESENTATION BY VANDEWALLE & ASSOCIATES IN REGARDS TO DRAFT ZONING ORDINANCE CHANGES Jackie Mich and Mike Slavney of Vandewalle & Associates were present to give updates regarding changes to legislation and changes to the draft zoning ordinance. Policy questions were also discussed. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. RESOLUTION GRANTING MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES 2. APPROVE CLAIMS AS PRESENTED ON CLAIMS LIST Motion by Alder Beer to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Alder Thoman. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. G. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER’S REPORT (2ND REGULAR MEETING OF EACH MONTH) None H. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT WITH PELLETERI WASTE SYSTEMS FOR COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE/REFUSE AND RECYCLING Alder Boyce presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Thoman. Discussion took place regarding changes to the contract, mostly grammatical in nature. Alder Marsh requested an addendum be added with a definition for City Administrator so that the areas in which the City Administrator is referenced, it would apply to the City Administrator or their designee. He also requested that on page 4 the word “his” be changed to “their”. He requested that bulk pricing be incorporated into the contract as an addendum or exhibit item, and requested to see a pollution coverage policy brought into play. He also referenced item G that says either party can cancel the insurance. The City is not the named insured so the City can not cancel the insurance. He would like the certificate of insurance to list notice of cancellation 30 days in advance of cancellation. Motion by Alder Marsh to incorporate the suggestions he made into the contract, seconded by Alder Thoman. Administrator Rath advised that for the purpose of moving forward, the resolution can be signed and the requested details can be worked out and the contract can be signed as revised. If Pelleteri comes back with any other changes, the contract will need to come back before Council for approval. Discussion took place regarding the pollution coverage policy. Alder Marsh motioned to amend his original motion to eliminate the pollution coverage policy, seconded by Alder Thoman. Upon roll call vote, motion to amend the original motion by Alder Marsh carried. Upon roll call vote of the original motion by Alder Boyce to approve the resolution, motion carried. 2. RESOLUTION APPROVING TRANSFER OF LAND TO DON’S REAL ESTATE LLC Alder Boyce presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Douglas. Upon voice vote, motion carried. 3. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PLANNING CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REACTIVATION OF REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND AREA PLAN CREATION Alder Boyce presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Marsh. Discussion took place. Upon voice vote, motion carried. I. JUDICIARY AND ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE 1. CONSIDER DIFFERENT ALTERNATIVES FOR ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SUBSECTIONS 1-5-3(A) AND SECTION 1-5-7 OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: COMMON COUNCIL MEETINGS AND ORDER OF BUSINESS Alder Beer presented the agenda item. Three different options for the ordinance were considered. Discussion took place. Motion by Alder Boyce to suspend the rules to allow the J&O chair to approve the third option that changes the meeting day to Mondays but leaves the start time to be set by resolution of the council, and to set a public hearing for June 5, 2018. Motion was seconded by Alder Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 2. ORDINANCE CREATING SUBSECTION 8-4-3(K) OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM CONNECTIONS Public hearing date was set for June 5, 2018. 3. ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTION 11-1-7 OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: OBSTRUCTIONS AND ENCROACHMENTS Public hearing date was set for June 5, 2018. 4. ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTION 1-5-6(D), AND REPEALING SECTION 1-6-3(D) OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: REPEAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Public hearing date was set for June 5, 2018. 5. ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTION 8-4-11 OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: PRIVATE WELL ABANDONMENT Public hearing date was set for June 5, 2018. 6. ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SUBSECTION 9-2-22(D) OF THE MONROE CITY CODE: REVIEW OF CHICKEN PERMIT APPLICATIONS Public hearing date was set for June 5, 2018. J. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL EVENTS Alder Douglas presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Thoman. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. K. LICENSE COMMITTEE 1. RESOLUTION APPROVING TEMPORARY EXTENSION OF LICENSED PREMISES FOR LEISURE LANES, INC TO ADD OUTDOOR BEER GARDEN IN CONJUNCTION WITH CAR SHOWS AND BEAN BAGS LEAGUE Alder Thoman presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 2. RESOLUTION GRANING TEMPORARY ALCOHOL BEVERAGE LICENSES IN CONJUNCTION WITH OUTDOOR BEER GARDENS FOR GREEN COUNY CHEESE DAYS, INC. Alder Thoman presented the resolution and moved for its approval. Motion was seconded by Alder Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Marsh asked for a future closed meeting in regards to TID #4. M. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS None N. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None O. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Alderperson Beer, seconded by Alderperson Boyce. Upon voice vote, motion carried. Arianna Voegeli City Clerk (June 22, 2018) WNAXLP
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been filed at the office of the Village Clerk, in the Village of Browntown, for the sale of liquors or fermented malt beverages in said village, for such class of license and such premises as indicated after the name of the applicant: Applicant: Stephanie J. Cook, 2508 1st St, Monroe, WI 53566 for Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, address of premises: The Bullpen, 108 S Mill Street, Browntown, WI 53522. Applicant: Dale H. Hoesly, W6561 Karric Lane, Monroe, WI 53566 for Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, address of premises: Trailside Inn, 101 E Old Hwy Rd, Browntown, WI 53522.

Submitted By: Donna Wyss Village of Browntown Clerk

(June 22, 2018) WNAXLP


The Town Board of the Town of Monroe will accept sealed bids until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, July 13, 2018. Bids may be mailed to Town of Monroe, Attn: Todd E. Hasse, W5820 Iliff Road, Monroe, WI 53566. Bid is for: • Pulverize 5,290’ of roadway, shape, compact and overlay with hot mix asphalt in two lifts with final compaction of 3.0”. (21’ wide mat, 2’ rock shoulders) For specifications please contact: Todd Hasse, Town Chair @ (608) 558-1076. All roadwork must be completed by 10/01/18. The Town reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to select any bid deemed to be the most advantageous to the Town. A current Certificate of Insurance must accompany all bids.

Peggy Murphy, Clerk Posted June 20th, 2018

(June 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 30, 2018) WNAXLP

Public Hearings

STATE OF WISCONSIN City of Monroe Green County

The Board of Review of the City of Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin, will meet on Wednesday, July 25th, 2018, at 1:00 PM, at the West Side Fire Station located at 601 W 17th Street. Due to the fact that the assessment roll is not completed at this time, it is anticipated that the board of review will be adjourned until September 27th, 2018, at 1:00 PM, at which time the full 2-hour Board of Review meeting will be held. Notice is hereby given this 22nd day of June, 2018. Respectfully submitted, Arianna L. Voegeli City Clerk (June 22, 2018) WNAXLP