Public Notices
Name Changes
NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 24-CV-209 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: LIAM THOMAS BUTTERS By (Petitioner): CAITLIN KATHERINE FRANKS By (Co-Petitioner): BRIAN THOMAS FRANKS NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: LIAM THOMAS BUTTERS To: LIAM THOMAS FRANKS Birth Certificate: LIAM THOMAS BUTTERS IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:BY: Faun M. Phillipson PLACE: The Green County Justice Center 2841 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566 DATE: January 14, 2025 TIME: 10:00 A.M. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.BY THE COURT: Honorable Faun M. Phillipson Green County Circuit Court Judge December 3, 2024 (December 11, 18, 25, 2024) WNAXLP |
Sheriff's Sale
NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE CASE NO. 2024 CV 000041 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL DIVISION, GREEN COUNTY ROCKET MORTGAGE, LLC F/K/A QUICKEN LOANS INC. Plaintiff vs. SHERRY R. SCHWARTZ; BANKERS' BANK; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERRY R. SCHWARTZ; Defendants PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on July 9, 2024, in the amount of $67,972.03, the Sheriff, or Designee, will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 16, 2025 at 9:00 am TERMS: 1. 10% down in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds at the time of sale; balance due within 10 days of confirmation of sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeit of deposit to plaintiff. 2. Sold “as is” and subject to all legal liens and encumbrances. 3. Buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition to the purchase price. 4. Bidders not a party to this action are subject to the requirements of the Wisconsin Statute Section 846.155. PLACE: Lower level Multipurpose Room, Green County Justice Center; 2841 6th Street, Monroe, WI 53566 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK SEVEN (7) OF ANDRICK'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MONROE, GREEN COUNTY, WISCONSIN, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. TAX KEY NO.: 0278.0000 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2322 16TH AVENUE, MONROE, WI 53566 Shannon K. Cummings State Bar No. 1033710 Attorney for Plaintiff 633 W. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 408 Milwaukee, WI 53203 Phone: 312-541-9710 Mailing Address: 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 3650 Chicago, IL 60602 Email: Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC is the creditor’s attorney and is attempting to collect a debt on its behalf. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. (December 25, 2024, January 1, 8, 2025) WNAXLP |