Public Notices
CITY OF MONROE COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES DATE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2024 TIME: 6:30 PM PLACE: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS - 1110 18TH AVE A. CALL TO ORDER The Common Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Douglas at 6:30 PM on Monday, November 18, 2024. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Present in person were Mayor Donna Douglas, Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, and Matt Sheaffer. D. CORRECTION OF MINUTES - NOVEMBER 4, 2024 The minutes from November 4, 2024, were accepted as presented. E. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION F. BUSINESS BY MAYOR G. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appearance by Citizens Jane Thoman - 419 4th Ave Kevin Visel - 1014 17th Ave Andrea Nolen - 1743 13th St Scott Larson - 1911 27th St Jayne Bodell - 703 22nd Ave Deb Krattiger - 525 20th Ave Deb Hauri - 2705 4th St Robert Hauri - 2705 4th St Carol Larson - 1911 27th St Tyler Hartwig - 711 22nd Ave Crystal Hartwig - 711 22nd Ave 2. Appearance by Property/Business Owners with the City of Monroe of Their Authorized Agents H. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Misc Licenses 2. Claims List A motion was made by Kranig, seconded by Thoman, to Approve the consent agenda. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None I. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER'S REPORT 1. Treasurer's Report The treasurer's report was accepted as presented. J. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Special Event for Main Street Monroe's Annual Christmas Holiday Parade A motion was made by Thoman, seconded by Wartenweiler, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None K. PLAN COMMISSION 1. Ordinance Approving Change of Zoning Application for a Matthew Henke - 703 19th Street - Light Industrial to One and Two Family Residential A motion was made by Mary Jane Grenzow, seconded by Treuthardt, to Approve the ordinance. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES: Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None 2. Resolution Approving Certified Survey Map for Melody Haug - Parcel 2301000510100 A motion was made by Mary Jane Grenzow, seconded by Miller, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None L. SALARY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving 3% COLA Increase to the City of Monroe 2025 Pay Scale Alder Kranig inquired about the reasoning behind the proposed wage increase. Administrator Rindy explained the policies stemming from the wage study, emphasizing the need to remain competitive and keep up with inflation. A motion was made by Mary Jane Grenzow, seconded by Miller, to Approve. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None 2. Resolution Approving 2025 Miscellaneous Wage Rates A motion was made by Mary Jane Grenzow, seconded by Thoman, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None M. FINANCE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE 1. Hold Public Hearing: Resolution Approving the 2025 City of Monroe Budget The public hearing was opened and subsequently closed with no comments. Administrator Rindy provided a summary of the 2025 budget, highlighting key changes compared to the previous year. Alder Kranig posed several questions, including: Seeking clarification on the increases in wages, insurance, and debt, and asking which areas are being reduced to balance these adjustments. Requesting details about the fire department's budget increase. Asking about the city's financial contribution to Humane Society Chief Kelley addressed the question regarding Humane Society, explaining the department’s relationship and coordination with the organization. A motion was made by Treuthardt, seconded by Miller, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES: Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None 2. Resolution Approving the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan A motion was made by Treuthardt, seconded by Thoman, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None 3. Resolution Approving the Authorization of Allocating ARPA Funds for General Fund Expenditures Eligible Under the Revenue Loss Provision A motion was made by Treuthardt, seconded by Kleven, to Approve the resolution. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES:Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES:None ABSENT:None ABSTAINED: None N. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Discussion Regarding Future Plans and Uses for the Downtown Vacant Lot Administrator Rindy opened a discussion on the next steps for the vacant lot and sought direction on how to proceed. She proposed initial steps to promote the lot as an opportunity, including: Installing a temporary sign. Gathering public input on potential uses for the space. Exploring ways to utilize the lot while it remains vacant. Key points from the discussion: The Council agreed not to charge for parking stalls at this time, with Alder Andrew suggesting a one-year period to focus on promotion. Alder Knoll proposed converting the space into a park or green space. The Council expressed support for involving Main Street Monroe (MSM) in the planning process. There was consensus to wait a year before making any permanent decisions. O. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Kranig addressed the fluoride discussion and actions taken during the recent Judiciary and Ordinance Review Committee meeting. He expressed his desire for the Council to vote on holding a public hearing regarding the matter. Attorney Bartholf provided an overview of the procedures for initiating a public hearing when it has not been approved at the committee level. A motion was made by Kranig, seconded by Kleven, to Approve voting to suspend the rules for a public hearing regarding the removal of fluoride from city water supply at the December 2, 2024, Common Council meeting. The motion Passed 5-4, by the following vote: AYES: Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven NOES: Heidi Treuthardt, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None Alder Thoman spoke about the significance of Veterans Day, emphasizing its importance to him personally and to the nation. The Council engaged in a discussion regarding the outcome of the Judiciary and Ordinance Review Committee's decision on the potential removal of fluoride from the city's water supply. Opinions were expressed both in favor of and against the proposed change. P. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS Clerk Wahl provided an explanation regarding the nomination papers for the 2025 Spring Election, detailing the process and requirements for candidates interested in running for office. Q. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS R. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Kranig, seconded by Kleven, to Adjourn at 8:01 PM. The motion Passed 9-0, by the following vote: AYES: Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Corinne Wartenweiler, Heidi Treuthardt, Kyle Knoll, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, Matt Sheaffer NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAINED: None This Council may take any action it considers appropriate related to any item on this agenda. (December 7, 2024) WNAXLP |
NOTICE CITY OF MONROE, WI A public hearing will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 1110 18th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin, Monday, December 16, 2024, at 6:30 P.M. in front of the Common Council of the City of Monroe relative to: Request for Zoning Text Amendment Update – The following section of the Monroe City Code will be considered: SECTION 1: Subsection 5-3-17(28) of the Monroe City Code is created as follows: (28) Indoor or Outdoor Commercial Entertainment Incidental to Light Industrial: This land use describes commercial entertainment spaces that are ancillary to light industrial uses. This may include, but is not limited to taprooms, beer gardens, restaurants, conference rooms, event space, or other similar entertainment uses The details regarding the Change of Zoning Text Amendment are available for inspection at the City Clerk’s Office – 1110 18th Avenue. Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting, including need for an interpreter, materials in alternate formats, or other accommodations, should be made to the Office of the City Clerk at (608)329-2530 with as much advance notice as possible so that proper arrangements can be made. Nikolai Wahl City Clerk (December 4, 7, 2024) WNAXLP |
Name Changes
NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 24-CV-203 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: SHANNON MITZI ALCALA-SCHLAPPER By (Petitioner): SHANNON MITZI ALCALA-SCHLAPPER NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: SHANNON MITZI ALCALA- SCHLAPPER To: SHANNON MITZI ALCALA Birth Certificate: SHANNON MITZI ALCALA-SCHLAPPER IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:BY: Faun M. Phillipson PLACE: The Green County Justice Center Branch 1 2841 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566 DATE: December 19, 2024 TIME: 10:15 A.M. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.BY THE COURT: Honorable Faun M. Phillipson Green County Circuit Court Judge November 19, 2024 (November 23, 30, December 7, 2024) WNAXLP |
Public Sales
As per Wis. Stat. 704.90, Storage-4-Hire, located at 315 West 13th Street, Monroe WI 53566 will be holding online auctions at for the following units; Shannon Y. Menehan-Units 52 & 55, Household goods, furniture, misc. items. *Auction starts 23 December 2024 at 9 AM and ends at 12 PM. (December 7, 2024) WNAXLP |