Public Notices

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD A. GADOW DOD: July 5, 2019 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth July 17, 1934 and date of death July 5, 2019 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 1601 West 6th Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 19, 2020. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge November 14, 2019

Attorney Chantelle M. Ringe Hill Glowacki, LLP 5250 East Terrace Dr., Suite 130 Madison, WI 53718 608-244-1354 Bar Number 1058136

(November 20, 27, December 4, 2019) WNAXLP




NEWREZ LLC F/K/A NEW PENN FINANCIAL, LLC, D/B/A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS BECKER A/K/A THOMAS M. BECKER, JANE DOE BECKER A/K/A SUSAN BECKER, MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, DUXSTAD & BESTUL SC AND MONROE CLINIC Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on June 12, 2018 in the amount of $86,868.88 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: TIME: January 9, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. TERMS: Pursuant to said judgment, 10% of the successful bid must be paid to the sheriff at the sale in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds, payable to the clerk of courts (personal checks cannot and will not be accepted). The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the clerk of courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than ten days after the court's confirmation of the sale or else the 10% down payment is forfeited to the plaintiff. The property is sold ‘as is’ and subject to all liens and encumbrances. PLACE: Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Ground Floor Conference Room, Monroe, WI DESCRIPTION: Outlot 34A of the Assessor's Plat of the Village of Monticello, Green County, Wisconsin. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 210 E Coates Ave Monticello, WI 53570-9654 DATED:

November 4, 2019

Jeff S. Skatrud Green County Sheriff

Gray & Associates, L.L.P. Attorneys for Plaintiff 16345 West Glendale Drive New Berlin, WI 53151-2841 (414) 224-8404

Please go to to obtain the bid for this sale. Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you have previously received a discharge in a chapter 7 bankruptcy case, this communication should not be construed as an attempt to hold you personally liable for the debt.

(December 4, 11, 18, 2019) WNAXLP



CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Common Council meeting was called to order on Monday, November 4, 2019. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Rob Driver, Kelly Hermanson, Mickey Beam, Richard Thoman, Michael Boyce, Brooke Bauman, Joshua Binger and by telephone Tammy Fetterolf. Absent was Alder Donna Douglas. B. CORRECTION OF MINUTES None. C. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION None. D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR None. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC None. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Resolution Granting Miscellaneous Licenses Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. G. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Special Events Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Joshua Binger to approve the special event permit for UW Alumni Red Run Turkey Trot 5K-Fun Run event. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Approving to Amend Special Event Permit Requirements If the applicant submits the special event application less than 45 days prior to the event, they will be subject to a $50 late fee. This resolution will become effective on January 1, 2020. Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Kelly Hermanson to approve an amendment to the special event permit requirements specifying that the special event application must be submitted no later than 45 days prior to the event date. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. H. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Resolution Awarding Shared Ride Taxi Service Contract Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Mickey Beam to award the shared ride taxi service contract and public lease transit agreement for years 2020-2021 with the option of extending to 2024 to Brown Cab Service, Inc. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution approving Weights and Measures Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the presented weights and measures assessment schedule. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. City Administrator Job Description Review and Plan of Action for Filling the Position Discussion held regarding the expectations and job responsibilities of the future City Administrator. The current job description lacks detail regarding duties related to economic development, community development and comptroller. Comptroller is a statutory position and currently Bauman Associates fills that role, however there are alternative options to fulfill this role if desired. Questions posed to Karla Fritsch, deputy comptroller, regarding the responsibilities the former City Administrator had as Comptroller that are now falling onto other staff members. A primary responsibility includes managing and developing the budget. Previously the role of economic and community development fell onto other positions and staff. There is not a current person fulfilling that role, or a formally approved position. There was previous recruitment for a Director of Community Development, however the position itself was not formally approved prior to recruitment. A general consensus was reached that the Council is unable to make a decision regarding the job description, expectations and salary range of the future City Administrator without discussing related roles, such as the Director of Community Development. Therefore, the Council agreed to revisit the discussion after further investigation and setting an agenda item to discuss the City Administrator position, as well as other related positions. Alder Bauman advised there is a sense of urgency to fill the City Administrator position to be fair to the department heads, Alders, and the community. Therefore, she encourages discussion and a decision in regards to the method the Council desires for recruitment of a future City Administrator. The previous City Administrator vacancy was filled with a headhunter, who assisted with the development of the job description and recruitment. Alder Boyce recommends proceeding with a similar process. General consensus reached to review the job description and other related positions in two weeks. During the next two weeks, the Council will begin to the process to secure a headhunter for recruitment purposes. 4. Resolution Approving Amendment to the 2019 Budget The amendment resolution would approve an increase in 2019 expenditures by moving $100,000 from the General Fund to the Capital Fund. Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Brooke Bauman to approve amendment to the 2019 budget to increase the 2019 expenditures by $100,000. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 5. Resolution Adopting 2020 Budget, Levying Taxes, and Approving Appropriations (Hold Public Hearing) No speakers present for the public hearing. Attorney Bartholf reviewed this would be approving the budget at the general government level, to allow the City to move funds within the same category, without having to return to Council for approval. Alder Bauman acknowledged how this budget approval process was a great improvement this year compared to previous years. There continues to be money put into capital funds, improving the City's financial stability. Mayor Armstrong reviewed other expenses that will be presented in the near future, including an increase in the Shared Ride Taxi Cab funding and tree services for Ash Borer in Greenwood Cemetery. He suggests considering placing $50,000 to a contingency fund to allow for payment of the future expenditures not accounted for in the budget. Discussion held regarding the approval for expenditures from the contingency fund would fall either to the Mayor, Council or Finance and Taxation Committee. Alder Boyce advised the Council there is risk of spending more than the expenditure restraint program (ERP) allows by placing money in a contingency fund, or reallocating the expenditures to other departments. If the ERP is exceeded in 2020, there is risk of losing up to $300,000 in funds. Alder Boyce recommends approving the budget as presented, and finding funds through a potential surplus or reallocation of funds over the next 12 months, rather than risking overspending and losing the ERP. Karla Fritsch, deputy comptroller, also advised there are investment accounts reaching maturity in the near future that will allow for funds to be applied to necessary expenditures or reinvested. Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Joshua Binger to adopt the 2020 budget, levying taxes, and appropriations as presented. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. I. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS None. J. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS None. K. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. L. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Brooke Bauman to adjourn. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. (December 4, 2019) WNAXLP


Diana Oostdik, on behalf of Sunny Woods Acres, N4350 Skinner Hollow Road, Monroe, WI 53566 has applied to the Department of Natural Resources for a permit to install riprap on the banks of Skinner Creek and the unnamed tributary to Skinner Creek (WIBIC 896300). The project is located in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 12, Township 02 North, Range 06 East, Town of Jordan, along with the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 07, township 02 North, Range 07 East, Town of Monroe, Green County. The project is located in the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 30, Township 01 North, Range 09 East, Town of Spring Grove, Green County. The project proposes the removal of woody vegetation along the banks, sloping banks at a minimum of 3:1, placement of rock for bank protection and habitat improvement, along with the disturbed areas being seeded down with native grasses and forbs. The project is a two-year project; the first year will focus on the tributary to Skinner Creek, with the second year focusing on Skinner Creek. Excavated materials will be placed in the adjacent upland cropland to avoid wet areas. Construction is anticipated to take place in the spring prior to corn planting for both phases. The Department will review the proposal provided by the applicant and any information from public comments and a public informational hearing, if requested. The Department will determine whether the proposal complies with ss. 1.11 and 30.12(3m), Stats., and ch. NR 150, Wis. Adm. Code, and ensure that the required mitigation meets the standards in s. 281.36(3r), Stats. if the project impacts wetlands. The Department has made a tentative determination that it will issue the permit or contract for the proposed activity. If you would like to know more about this project or would like to see the application and plans, please visit the Department’s permit tracking website at and search for WP-IP-SC- 2019-23-X10-30T13-49-48. Reasonable accommodation, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities upon request. Any person may submit comments and/or request a public informational hearing by emailing or writing to Weston Matthews, 1500 N. Johns St., Dodgeville, WI 53533 by U.S. mail. If you are submitting general comments on the proposal, they must be emailed or postmarked within 30 days after the date this notice is published on the Department’s website. If you are requesting a public informational hearing, the request must be emailed or postmarked within 20 days after the date this notice is published on the Department’s website. A request for hearing must include the docket number or applicant name and specify the issues that the party desires to be addressed at the informational hearing. If no hearing is requested, the Department may issue its decision without a hearing. If a public informational hearing is held, comments must be postmarked no later than 10 days following the date on which the hearing is completed. The final decision may be appealed as indicated in the decision document. Docket Number IP-SC-2019-23-03818 WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES For the Secretary Weston Matthews Water Management Specialist November 22, 2019 (December 4, 2019) WNAXLP

Public Hearings


There will be a public hearing before the Green County Board of Adjustment to consider a variance from Cynthia Schaefer, landowner; for the construction of a porch in the setback area of County KS, 67’.8” from the centerline -vs.-county code minimum of 75'. The land is zoned agricultural, and is located at W2905 County KS, Section 2, T1N-R8E, Town of Jefferson. The public hearing will be held in the County Board Room at the Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin on Wednesday December 18, 2019, at 7:30 p.m. All those who are concerned or affected by such action are urged to attend. GREEN COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATION Adam M. Wiegel Zoning Administrator (November 27, December 4, 2019) WNAXLP