Public Notices
Debtors Creditors
NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO: 21-PR-88 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: WALTER RUEF Date of Death: August 8, 2021 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth August 11, 1935 and date of death August 8, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N8783 County Road O, New Glarus, WI 53574. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 11, 2022. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge November 10, 2021 Atty. Lance A. McNaughton Duxstad & Bestul, S.C. 1112 17th Ave. P.O. Box 737 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-4924 Bar Number 1032036 (November 13, 20, 27, 2021) WNAXLP |
NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO. 21-PR-93 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY L. TURNER, SR. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth August 1, 1929 and date of death November 6, 2021 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W3854 Nye Road, Monticello, WI 53570. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 25, 2022. 5. A claim may be filed at the Office of the Register in Probate, Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge November 23, 2021 Paul W. Voegeli, Lawyer P.O. Box 538 Monroe, WI 53566 608-214-8992 Bar Number 1005957 (November 27, December 4, 11, 2021) WNAXLP |
CITY OF MONROE ADVERTISEMENT FOR QUOTES Sealed quotes for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and materials for the following described work, will be received until 2:00 p.m. on the 13th day of December 2021 at the office of the City Clerk/Treasurer located at the Monroe City Hall – 1110 18th Ave, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566. The quotes will be publicly opened and read aloud at the Board of Public Works meeting on December 13, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Tree trimming, tree removal, stump removal Quoting documents may be obtained from the Parks & Forestry Supervisor 1048 6th Avenue Monroe, Wisconsin 53566. The first copy of the quoting documents is free of charge. A $10 fee will be charged for any additional copies obtained. Overnight mailing of the quoting documents will not be provided. The City of Monroe reserves the right to reject any or all quotes, to waive any technicality, and to accept any quote which it deems advantageous. All quotes shall remain subject to acceptance for sixty days after the time set for opening of quotes. Published by authority of the City of Monroe, Wisconsin. By: Brittney Rindy, City Clerk/Treasurer (November 27, December 4, 2021) WNAXLP |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR SPECTRUM CHANNEL LINEUP Communities Served: Cities of Genoa, Marengo; Town of Riley and Village of Union, IL. On January 1, 2022, NBC Sports Network, channels 31, 327, 662 on Spectrum Select, Stream News Sports & More, Spectrum Lifestyle TV and Business Entertainment, Premier, Sports TV, Digital Basic, will cease providing programming on your Spectrum channel lineup. To view additional sports programming, check your Spectrum TV Guide for channel location and programming details. For a complete channel lineup, visit Spectrum.com/Channels. To view this notice online, visit Spectrum.net/ProgrammingNotices. (November 27, 2021) WNAXLP |
NOTICE – AVAILABLE “CLASS B” LIQUOR LICENSE NOTICE is hereby given the City of Monroe has a “Class B” liquor license for the sale of fermented or intoxicating liquors on premises available for application. The application materials are availble at the City Clerk’s office at 1110 18th Avenue. In order for an application to be considered it must be submitted no later than December 22, 2021. Inquiries may be directed to the City Clerk at 608-329-2530 or brindy@cityofmonroe.org. Brittney Rindy City Clerk/Treasurer (November 27, 2021) WNAXLP |
PUBLICATION SUMMONS AND NOTICE (SMALL CLAIMS) CASE NO. 21-SC-156 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, LAFAYETTE COUNTY DARLINGTON COMMUNITY FIRE DISTRICT 230 WEST CORNELIA STREET DARLINGTON, WI 53530, Plaintiff, vs. CODY BENNETT 501 16TH AVE MONROE, WI 53566, Defendant. PUBLICATION SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF FILING TO THE PERSON(S) NAMED ABOVE AS DEFENDANT(S) You are being sued by the person(s) named above as Plaintiff'(s). A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above. The lawsuit will , be heard in the following small claims court Lafayette County Courthouse, (608)776-4832, 626 Main Street, PO Box 40, Darlington, Wisconsin 53530, on the following date and time December 6th at 10:00am. If you do not attend the hearing, the court may enter a judgment against you in favor of the person(s) suing you. A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate (property) you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. You may have the option to Answer without appearing in court on the court date by filing a written Answer with the clerk of court before the court date. You must send a copy of your Answer to the Plaintiffs) named above at their address. You may contact the clerk of court at the telephone number above to determine if there are other methods to answer a Small Claims complaint in that county.Nathan Russell November 23, 2021 (608)448-3680 State Bar No. 1047499 (November 27, 2021) WNAXLP |
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Monroe was held on November 8, 2021 1. Call to Order: Rich Deprez, Board of Education President called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Dan Bartholf, Rich Deprez, Teri Ellefson, Teresa Keehn, Nikki Matley, Cheryl McGuire, Dylan McGuire, and Phil Vosberg – Board Members Absent – Tim Wolff - Administration Present: Brian Boehm, Jeriamy Jackson, Sarah Judd, Joe Monroe, Ron Olson, Todd Paradis, Amy Timmerman, Jenna Trame, and Rick Waski 3. Approve Agenda – Motion by Teri Ellefson and seconded by Teresa Keehn to approve the agenda – Approved 4. Recognitions 5. Consent Items – A. Approve Minutes – B. Approval of Support Staff Retirement – C. Approval/Acceptance of Community Donations – Motion by Dan Bartholf and seconded by Nikki Matley - Approved 6. Public Comment 7. Old Business 8. New Business – A. Approval of 2022-2023 School Calendar – Motion by Teri Ellefson and seconded by Teresa Keehn – Approved – B. Discussion/Potential Action on COVID-19 Protocols – Motion by Teri Ellefson and seconded by Cheryl McGuire to go mask optional on November 22nd for PreK-6 grades –Motion Failed - Motion by Dan Barhtolf and seconded by Rich Deprez to go mask optional for Prek-6 grades beginning on January 3, 2022 - Approved 9. Informational Items – A. Boardsmanship/Administration – B. Board of Education Correspondence – C. Committee Reports – D. Agenda Items for Future Discussion – E. Liaison Reports 10. Five Minutes for the Press 11. Closed Session – Wisconsin Statute 19.81(1)(e) – Motion by Nikki Matley and seconded by Teri Ellefson - Approved 12. Adjournment – At 9:06 motion by Dan Bartholf and seconded by Phil Vosberg to adjourn - Approved (November 27, 2021) WNAXLP |
Name Changes
NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 21-CV-197 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: JANESSA RAE JOHNSON By (Petitioner): JANESSA RAE JOHNSON By (Co-Petitioner): STEVIE RAE HARDYMAN NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: JANESSA RAE JOHNSON To: NIKKI RAE JOHNSON-HARDYMAN Birth Certificate: JANESSA RAE JOHNSON IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:BY: Honorable Thomas J. Vale - Branch 2 PLACE: The Green County Justice Center 2841 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566 DATE: December 21, 2021 TIME: 10:30 AM If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.BY THE COURT: Honorable Thomas J. Vale Green County Circuit Court Judge November 16, 2021(November 20, 27, December 4, 2021) WNAXLP |