Public Notices

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUNE E. BLUMER Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth March 25, 1928, and date of death September 24, 2022, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 305 S. Mechanic Street, Albany, WI 53502. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 8, 2023. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Faun Marie Phillipson Circuit Court Judge November 4, 2022

Attorney R Scott Jacobson Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1031617

(November 12, 19, 26, 2022) WNAXLP


City of Monroe Common Council Minutes CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING

The Common Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Douglas on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:31 PM. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Joshua Binger, Brooke Bauman, Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Chris Schindler, Heidi Treuthardt, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, and Tom Miller. B. CORRECTION OF MINUTES - OCTOBER 17, 2022 The October 17, 2022 minutes were accepted as posted. C. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION None. D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR Mayor Douglas commends the Veterans for their service and recognizes Veteran's Day coming up on November 11, 2022. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appearances by Citizens None. 2. Appearances by property/business owners within the City of Monroe or their authorized agents None. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Claims List Alder Kranig inquires on the throat lozenges and fire safety shirts purchased. Alder Schindler inquires on the purchases of the cheese curds and overall expenditures of the Fire Department. Alder Grenzow inquires on the general administration expenditure for Administrator Lothspeich advises he will research and follow up on all inquiries with the Common Council. 2. Resolution Granting Miscellaneous Licenses Motion made by Joshua Binger and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. G. JUDICIARY AND ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE 1. Hold Public Hearing - Ordinance Approving Zoning Code Amendments Re: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Public hearing opened up. No discussion held. Public hearing closed. Clerk Rindy responds to Alder Kranig's inquiry that there are no concerns by Alliant Energy as this was addressed at a prior Plan Commission meeting. Alder Miller is thankful to see this moving forward and would like to take action to seek adding some charging stations in parking lots off the square for visitors and residents. Motion made by Chris Schindler and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the ordinance approving zoning code amendments Re: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations.. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Hold Public Hearing - Ordinance Repealing and Recreating Chapters 10-1 and Chapters 10-7 Re: Use of Golf Carts on City Streets Public hearing opened up. No discussion held. Public hearing closed. Alder Kranig has concerns regarding Golf Carts not being required to be registered, unlike the neighborhood vehicles that do have license plates and registration. The City does have an intent to require a permit and registration with the City to operate a golf cart on City streets. Attorney Bartholf explains the golf carts will be required to meet compliance with seatbelts, headlights, etc. They will only be allowed on the streets UTV's are allowed. Motion made by Chris Schindler and seconded by to approve the ordinance repealing and recreating Chapters 10-1 and Chapters 10-7 Re: Use of Golf Carts on City Streets. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. Ayes: Bauman, Grenzow, Hardy, Miller, Schindler, Thoman, Treuthardt Nays: Binger, Kranig H. SALARY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Accepting Health Insurance, Continue HSA and HRA Program Discussion held regarding the increase for the premium is 19.9%, however that is considering 100% utilization of the HRA account. When factoring in the average and projected 37% use of the HRA it drops to an overall 14% increase. Both the City and employees are seeing an overall increase in the health insurance premium. Motion made by Joshua Binger and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the resolution accepting health insurance, continue HSA and HRA program. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Approving of Classification, Wage, and Compensation Study Proposal Alder Kranig does not believe a company is required to contract for these services. Alder Bauman previously commented on how the City was a premier employer, and now struggles to recruit new employees. This would help to confirm whether the wages are competitive to attract employees. There is clarification that the 2023 budget does include the full cost of the proposal for the compensation study, as staff previously forgot that it was dispersed across multiple funds including the general fund and utility funds. Alder Tom Miller comments on the need to proceed with the study for the purposes of recruitment and retention. Alder Grenzow comments that the professional services are required to review and evaluate the whole picture, including the benefits. She explains this is beyond the City and Council's scope. Alder Binger requests an overview of why McGrath Human Resources Group is recommended. City Administrator Lothspeich summarizes the proposal and staff review process followed to determine the recommended proposal before them tonight. He further explained what differentiated them against the competitors. Alder Thoman inquires if the company is hired, will they be able to have conversation with the Council. Administrator Lothspeich comments the organization is very involved with the Council as well as the staff. Alder Bauman comments to ensure the City is evaluated as a whole, and the benefit this study can have both to the employees and tax payers. Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Mary Grenzow to approve the classification, wage and compensation study with McGrath Human Resources Group. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. Ayes: Bauman, Binger, Grenzow, Hardy, Miller, Thoman, Treuthardt Nays: Kranig, Schindler I. FINANCE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving 2023 Fee Schedule Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Brooke Bauman to approve the 2023 Fee Schedule resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Monroe Fire Department Paid on Call Firefighter Classifications and Wage Rate Increases, Fire Inspector Position Salary and Deputy Chief Salary Alder Bauman comments on the recent approval of the compensation study, and is in favor to give the Fire Department staff the same increases given to other employees for 2023. She would prefer to hold on any other wage increases until the completion of the compensation study. Alder Kranig prefers to wait for the new Chief to be in place. Alder Thoman believes the firefighters are fair to receive an increase as other employees are. The wage study will be valuable for further evaluation. Alder Schindler expresses agreement with the proposed wages increase of 3% as mentioned by Alder Bauman. He would like to have further discussion regarding the fire inspector position, and why there is no current inspection program if there are appointed fire inspectors. Alder Binger would like to discuss the Deputy Fire Chief salary and the reasoning for the proposed increase. Administrator Lothspeich advises the original salary was based on the assumption the position was 15 hours per week, but is truly a 30 hour per week position. That was based on evaluation of the average hours for the deputy chief prior to taking on the Interim Fire Chief position. The current Interim Fire Chief position is paid at a greater level than the deputy fire chief position. Alder Schindler would like to see proof of the hours. It is anticipated these hours will continue when the Interim Fire Chief resumes the deputy chief role. There is consensus for the Deputy Fire Chief position to be evaluated with the classification wage study. There is an inquiry regarding a recent grant received. Administrator Lothspeich believes it relates to retention but will investigate and follow up with Council. Staff confirms there are no wage increases in the current budget presented before the Common Council. If changes are recommended, it will be incorporated and presented to the Council prior to the next meeting on November 21st for approval. There is a consensus to hold on any changes to the fire inspector and deputy fire chief until the compensation study is complete and the new Fire Chief is in place. Staff will calculate the firefighter wages into the sliding scale for all employees and describes the process and methodology for the sliding scale. Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Joshua Binger to include wage rate increases for all Fire Department staff based on the sliding scale followed for all other city employees. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Hold Public Hearing - Discussion and Potential Action on Resolution Adopting the 2023 Budget, Levying Taxes and Approving Appropriations Public hearing opened up. Dave Deininger - 2615 Golfview Ct - he comments on the budget for the Fire Department. He appreciates their recent action to include a wage compensation for the paid-on call fire-fighters earlier in this meeting. He urges the Common Council to have further discussion on the Fire Inspector position. There is a state requirement to inspect approximately 800 buildings in the City of Monroe one to two times annually. He advises it is not reasonable to expect the paid-on-call firefighters to shoulder the fire inspection process. The next chief will need to determine how to accomplish that either by part time inspectors or a full-time position, but will need funds within the budget to do so. He reiterates the importance to reconsider this to allow for public safety with fire inspections. He also comments on the additional requests for EMR, EMS and non-labor reclassifications. Dave believes this request is justified and a worthy request. The Deputy Fire Chief history of hours would justify the salary increase, but can appreciate the desire to wait until the completion of the upcoming wage and compensation study. Dave comments the budget requests were aimed at setting the table for the new chief. He does not agree it is the best approach to wait for new Chief. The new Chief will have many challenges and dealing with an underfunded budget is not favorable to assist the recruitment and retention for the department. Public hearing closed. Clerk Rindy advises for Council to address any other requested changes or concerns now, so they can be incorporated into the final budget materials for approval at the Council meeting on November 21, 2022. The final documents for Council will be distributed no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Alder Miller advises he will be gone at the meeting on November 21st, to be aware for any quorum concerns. 4. Resolution Approving Purchase Agreement with Wisconsin Bank and Trust for Downtown Pocket Park Land Acquisition Alder Kranig inquires what the cost will be to the City. This is being purchased via grants and donations with fundraising efforts for the development. Therefore the purchase cost will be zero for the City, and will later evaluate the annual costs for development and maintenance such as water, sewer and electric. The loss of the current tax payment on that parcel would average $440 annually. Alder Bauman is in favor of developing the downtown park to allow for public restrooms. This will be beneficial for the City and downtown area. Staff confirms Historic Preservation Committee review of the structure would be required, in response to Alder Kranig's inquiry. Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Brooke Bauman to approve the resolution approving the purchase agreement with Wisconsin Bank and Trust for Downtown pocket park land acquisition. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. J. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Special Events - 1. Green County UW Alumni Association Annual Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the special event resolution for the special events 1. Green County UW Alumni annual Turkey Trot 5K run/walk event. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Authorizing Removal of No Parking Zone on 22nd Street North of 6th Street Discussion held regarding the purpose of the request to cover only a small section of the block, as it relates to the traffic concerns at the corner and hospital. Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the resolution authorizing removal of the no parking zone on 22nd Avenue north of 6th Street. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Resolution Authorizing Installation of Mid-Block Pedestrian Crosswalk on 8th Avenue South of 6th Street Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Tom Miller to approve resolution authorizing installation of a mid-block pedestrian crosswalk on 8th Avenue. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. K. LICENSE COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Temporary Class B Malt Beverage and Wine License to Green County Family YMCA Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Lynne Hardy to approve temporary Class "B" malt beverage and wine license to Green County Family YMCA. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Bauman thanks staff for preparing and working the upcoming election tomorrow. Alder Grenzow requests more information on the status of the fire inspections of the Fire Department. In comparison of the budget in prior years and this year, she is seeking clarification on that issue. There is also a request for a refresher on the current status of the Fire Chief recruitment. Staff advises the PFC has a meeting on Thursday, November 10th that will likely result in an update. M. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS Supervisor Trame comments on trees recently removed at Twining Park was part of the American Transmission Company easement. The trees were removed by them and reimbursement funds were received. There is a plan to replant some trees. Clerk Rindy summarizes the absentee turnout for the General election as the following: 1,232 absentee ballots returned out of 1,353 sent, 450 of which were early in person absentee ballots. N. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. O. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Chris Schindler to adjourn at 7:58 PM. On a voice vote, Motion Passed. (November 26, 2022) WNAXLP

City of Monroe Common Council Special Meeting Minutes

A. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the Special Common Council meeting to order on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 4:34 PM at the Waste Water Treatment Facility – 1224 10th Ave W. B. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Tom Miller, Chris Schindler, Mary Jane Grenzow, Richard Thoman, Lynne Hardy and Heidi Treuthardt. Absent were Alders Brooke Bauman, Joshua Binger and Alder Kranig. C. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. City of Monroe Waste Water Treatment Facility Tour City of Monroe Utility staff provided a tour of the City of Monroe Waste Water Treatment Facility and answered questions. D. ADJOURNMENT Tom Miller made a motion to adjourn at 5:45 PM, seconded by Richard Thoman. Motion carried by unanimous vote. (November 26, 2022) WNAXLP




1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth July 11, 1945 and date of death October 31, 2022 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: 206 East 3rd Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520.

3. The application will be heard at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, before Gloria Baertschi, Probate Registrar, on Thursday December 15, 2022 at 8:30 am. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is February 23, 2023 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin. 6. This publication is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge November 16, 2022

Attorney Thomas P. Donohue Donohue Law Office 1109 16th Avenue, P.O. Box 160 Monroe, WI 53566 608-329-7990 Bar Number 1011315

(November 26, December 3, 10, 2022)


Public Sales

The Storage Haus of Monroe is holding online public auctions beginning December 9th 2022 ending on December 12th 2022 at 6pm.

At 100 6th St Monroe, WI 53566; Unit W193 Bobby McGinnis: household, sewing table, fishing, coolers - unit ID#2599292. At W5292 Hwy KK, Monroe WI 53566; unit E84 Bobby McGinnis: household, pet, lawn, hunting, tools, fishing – unit ID#2599285 ; unit E113 Roberta Grossen: wooden furniture, household décor, games, clothing – unit ID#2599299. At 668 1st Ave Monroe, WI 53566; unit MW82 Mary Koester: home, lawn and garden décor, furniture, holiday, toys, games, stuffed animals – unit ID#2599311. Visit for photos and to bid online. Call office w/questions 608/328-2222 (November 26, 2022) WNAXLP