Public Notices
Debtors Creditors
AMENDED NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO. 24-PR-61 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEREMY J. GEMPELER PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth March 1, 1975 and date of death June 9, 2024 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N2388 Spring St., Juda, WI 53550. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is January 6, 2025. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Room Probate Office.Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar October 28, 2024 Attorney Madeline A. McCue Nowlan Law, LLP P.O. Box 8100 Janesville, WI 53547-8100 608-755-8100 Bar Number 1119280 (November 2, 9, 16, 2024)WNAXLP |
NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO. 24-PR-78 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID M. HURLBERT Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth May 3, 1926, and date of death August 11, 2024, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W5925 County Road P, Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is January 6, 2025. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Office.Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar October 28, 2024 Attorney Robb E. Leach Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1082487 (November 2, 9, 16, 2024) WNAXLP |
NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO. 24-PR-85 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STUART CHARLES GLOVER Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth April 2, 1942, and date of death June 21, 2024, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 537 South Lincoln St., Monticello, WI 53570. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 14, 2025. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Office.Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar November 4, 2024 Attorney John C. Sauer Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1122523 (November 9, 16, 23, 2024) WNAXLP |
NOTICE TO CREDITORS (INFORMAL ADMINISTRATION) CASE NO. 24-PR-86 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WANE M. MAU Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth November 6, 1944, and date of death September 23, 2024, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 460 East Old Highway Road, Browntown, WI 53522. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is February 7, 2025. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Office.Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar October 29, 2024 Attorney Robert D. Hoyt 5703 Cove Circle Monona, WI 53716 608-221-2227 Bar Number 1014199 (November 2, 9, 16, 2024) WNAXLP |
REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING AGENDA (Monday, October 28, 2024) 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Rich Deprez 2. Roll Call A. Roll Call: Board of Education Members present: Nikki Austin, Jim Curran, Rich Deprez, Eric Eckdhal, Michael Froseth Jr., TeresaKeehn, Dylan McGuire, Terri Montgomery, Phil Vosberg. Administration present: Rodney Figueroa, Jeriamy Jackson, Ron Olson.Administration absent: Matt Brown, Lindsay Dahmen, Sarah Judd, Joe Monroe, Todd Paradis, Amy Timmerman, Jenna Trame,Josh Wilson. 3. Approve Agenda: A. Approval of Agenda for October 28, 2024: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Eric Eckdhal andseconded by Terri Montgomery to approve the agenda for the October 28, 2024 Board of Education meeting. Approved by voicevote. 4. Consent Items: A. Approve Minutes - B. Approval of Approval/Acceptance of Community Donations - C. Approval of SupportStaff Hiring. A motion was made by Nikki Austin and seconded by Teresa Keehn to approve the Consent Items as presented.Approved by voice vote. 5. Public Comment: None 6. Old Business: None 7. New Business: A. 2024-2025 AFS Exchange Student Introductions. B. GCDC/SOAR Update. C. Approval of MHS Project BidPackages: A motion was made by by Teresa Keehn and seconded by Jim Curran to approve the MHS Project Bid Packages WC3D, 6A, 7G, 11A, 32G, 32H, 32I, 32J, 32K, 32M, 33C at a total cost of $7,104,752 as presented. Approved by voice vote. Amotion was made by Michael Froseth Jr. to and seconded by Jim Curran to approve the MHS Project Bid Packages WC XX and 32Lfor a total cost of $724, 598 as presented. Approved by voice vote. D. Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price: A motion wasmade by Michael Froseth Jr. and seconded by Phil Vosberg to approve the Guaranteed Maximum Price excluding Exhibit C Line 2Las presented. Approved by voice vote. E. Approval of High School Project Master Budget: A motion was made by TerriMontgomery and seconded by Phil Vosberg to approve the High School Project Master Budget as presented. Approved by voicevote. F. Approval of Change Order Process: A motion was made by Nikki Austin and seconded by Phil Vosberg to approve theChange Order Process as presented. Approved by voice vote: 8/Yes, 1/No. G. MHS Building Project Update. H. Approval of 2024-2025 Budget Adjustments: A motion was made by Jim Curran and seconded by Teresa Keehn to approve the 2024-2025 BudgetAdjustments as presented. Approved by voice vote. I. Approval of 2024-2025 District Levy with Passed Referendum: A motionwas made by Terri Montgomery and seconded by Eric Eckdhal to Approve the 2024-2025 District Levy with Passed Referendum.Approved by voice vote. J. Approval of 2024-2025 District Levy with Failed Referendum: A motion was made by TerriMontgomery and seconded by Mike Froseth Jr. to Approve the 2024-2025 District Levy with Failed Referendum. Approved byvoice vote. 8. Informational Items: A. Boardsmanship/Administration. B. Board of Education Correspondence. C. Committee Reports. E.Liaison Reports 9. Five Minutes for the Press: A. Media Questions: None 10. Adjournment: A. Adjourn Meeting: At 9:19 p.m. a motion was made by Nikki Austin and seconded by Teresa Keehn toadjourn the meeting. Approved by voice vote. (November 16, 2024) WNAXLP |
Name Changes
NOTICE AND ORDER FOR NAME CHANGE HEARING Case No. 24-CV-199 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: WILLIAM SATCHEL MOORMAN NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: WILLIAM SATCHEL MOORMAN To: SOPHIE VALERIE MOORMAN Birth Certificate: WILLIAM SATCHEL MOORMAN IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:BY: Faun M. Phillipson PLACE: The Green County Justice Center Branch 1 2841 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566 DATE: December 20, 2024 TIME: 2:15 P.M. If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.BY THE COURT: Honorable Faun M. Phillipson Green County Circuit Court Judge November 12, 2024 (November 16, 23, 30, 2024) WNAXLP |