Public Notices



CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Common Council meeting was called to order on Monday, June 1, 2020. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Mickey Beam, Brooke Bauman, Donna Douglas, Richard Thoman, Joshua Binger, Kelly Hermanson, Tammy Fetterolf and Rob Driver. Absent was Alder Michael Boyce. A. CORRECTION OF MINUTES None. B. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION None. C. BUSINESS BY MAYOR None. D. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC None. E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Resolution Granting Miscellaneous Licenses 2. Resolution Approving Permit for Possession and Use of Fireworks 3. Claims List Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Kelly Hermanson to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. F. PARK AND RECREATION BOARD 1. Resolution Approving Modified Monroe Municipal Pool Plan Alder Douglas offers compliment to the Park and Recreation Department that put a lot of time and effort into the modified plan as it relates to COVID-19. Alder Hermanson shares agreement and makes it easy to support. Alder Binger suggests for the Parks Department to continue to monitor the pandemic and adjust accordingly. Supervisor Trame explains that this was brought to Council for full City support and awareness. If next year returns to normal, it will not need to be presented to Council again. Motion made by Rob Driver and seconded by Donna Douglas to approve the modified municipal pool plan. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. G. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Special Events Alder Beam asked for confirmation if this relates to the Farmer's Market. Alder Bauman confirms that it is and the event is being approved as the "Market on the Square". Alder Beam has had a few citizens call and ask about the situation related to the Farmers Market, and if the vendors will be able to sell items beyond produce and flowers. Alder Bauman confirmed they will be able to sell additional items based on this approval. Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Rob Driver to approve the special event resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. H. LICENSE COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Temporary Extension of Licensed Premises for Leisure Lanes, Inc. to Add an Outdoor Beer Garden in Conjunction with Bean Bags League Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Mickey Beam to approve the resolution for temporary extension of licensed premises for Leisure Lanes to add an outdoor beer garden in conjunction with bean bags league. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Approving Premises Description Modification for Walmart "Class A" License Alder Douglas shares a similar modification has been approved for Pick N Save previously with no resulting issues. Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Rob Driver to approve the resolution for premises description modification for Walmart's "Class A" license. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Resolution Approving Original Nett's "Class B" License Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Kelly Hermanson to approve the resolution for original "Class B" license for Nett's Sports Bar. LLC. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. I. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Douglas attended the recent Historical Green County meeting behind the museum. There remains concern regarding the contract with the City and the requirement to be open for the public. They are awaiting Council and the Mayors thoughts related to the contract. They are also concerned about maintaining volunteers due to the risks associated with the pandemic. Alder Douglas shared the other organizations such as the National Historic Cheesemaking Center, that are opening soon with limited hours. Director Rob Jacobson is prepared to present on this topic during a following agenda item. J. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS None. K. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. L. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Resolution Approving 2019 Compliance Maintenance Annual Report Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve 2019 compliance maintenance annual report. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Discussion and Possible Action on City Facilities Director of Facilities and Logistics Rob Jacobson reviewed actions related to closing facilities in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. The governor's orders are no longer enforceable, so he would like to review the plan for opening City facilities. City Hall reopened on May 26 with modifications and increased safety measures including social distancing signs. He would like further discussion with Council regarding opening up for City meetings, and if there should be any restrictions or limitations in the number of attendees. Attorney Bartholf confirms there are no enforceable regulations, only health guidelines by the CDC. The Council can step in and provide specific regulations, or allow the Mayor and Rob to continue to make decisions, while providing feedback. Alder Douglas suggests implementing increased safety measures for the Alders at the Council table, with consideration of Plexiglas between each Alder. She would also like to see the option for in person interviews for the City Administrator. Alder Hermanson suggests bringing changes forward to the Council to allow them to weigh in on the decision making for the facilities plan. She does believe City Hall should be open to the public for meetings. Alder Thoman is in agreement, if safe social distancing measures are practiced. The City Meetings will be open for public attendance, along with the option to attend remotely. The Mayor suggests working on separating the Alders seats by 6 feet. Discussion continued onto the Behring Senior Center. The Senior Center has remained closed since March, following the Governor's orders. Director Jacobson did consult with the Senior Center Board who is in support of keeping the Senior Center closed at this time. He proposes to keep it closed through June, and revisit with the Senior Citizen Board and Council to further develop a plan at that time. The City is also not currently renting any facilities with difficulty to maintain safe social distancing measures and limiting the groups to 50 people. The Utilities building closed when City Hall closed. The Utility building has now opened and resumed all normal operations, including e-waste. The Green County Historical Society has a lease to hold the museum in the building owned by the City. There is concern that the museum may not be able to open at all this year due to difficulty maintaining volunteers, and inability to implement appropriate sanitization methods. Director Jacobson suggests alleviating the lease requirement for the museum to remain open. Attorney Bartholf advised Council could provide a verbal agreement to not hold the Green County Historical Society accountable for that portion of the lease agreement. The Mayor suggests that you could also interpret "reasonable times to stay open", as this is not a reasonable time to open. Alder Hermanson would like to see the Senior Center open up for the residents needing it for meals and other various health reasons. She also questions what the staff is doing during the closure. Director Jacobson shares the maintenance worker has been helping with other projects throughout the City, as well as significant maintenance projects done within the Senior Center. Behring Senior Center Coordination Liz Sorn advises the Senior Center staff have been busy doing Facebook live programs for the members. They are also constantly taking phone calls, and placing regular check in calls to the 4,000 members. The meals are being delivered by the County to the participants, and this will have to be continued. Based on County regulations the meals can not be served in a facility at this time. Alder Hermanson suggests to make smart decisions related to paying staff while it is closed. She also believes if the City can safely open the pool with a well developed plan, she would also recommend for a similar proposal by the Behring Senior Center for opening safely sooner than later. Coordinator Sorn states the majority of other Senior Centers throughout the State remain closed through July, with a slow phased plan return to open. The Mayor confirms the opening of this facility applies to a vulnerable class. He also suggests for the Senior Center to develop a similar plan to the Parks pool plan for reopening to present to Council. Alder Hermanson shares that other organizations related to vulnerable populations have developed extensive plans to allow for reopening and providing services to those populations. Supervisor Trame shared an update related to the parks. Park restrooms and sport courts were opened today. There is a cleaning plan in place following CDC guidelines, will be sanitized daily. Park shelters are available for use, with reservations beginning this weekend under the restriction of limiting capacity to 50 patrons. There is a plan to disinfect the shelter following each rental. Playgrounds and the skate park are open under direction of the CDC guidelines. It is not recommended to disinfect the entire playground, but increased sanitization will occur at the grab bars and handle bars. The fields and courts are open and available for use, however team sports are not encouraged, so soccer nets are not in place. There were no issues in the parks related to vandalism and trash as other parks noticed during this pandemic. The dog park has remained open throughout the pandemic, under the CDC guidelines. The pool will open June 13th as reviewed earlier, however the concession stand will not be open. Drinking fountains will not be turned on this year due to higher risk associated with the extremely high touch point. Alder Hermanson suggests consideration of supplying water bottles, especially for warm, hot days. That has already been discussed for at the pool, and also be considered for the parks. 3. Review May 18, 2020 Resolution Approving Temporary Actions Post COVID- 19 State of Emergency The Council approved a resolution on May 18th enforcing orders related to liquor licenses, online utility payment options, waiving and refunding cross connection fees, and delinquent payments as a response to COVID-19. Council requested to review these orders at the first Council meeting of every month. Attorney Bartholf reviews that it does not need to be passed again, but is presented to Council to determine if they would want to remove or stop all provisions. The date of the resolution would then be updated. No action taken. 4. BUSINESS: OPEN a. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Approval of 6th Month Extension to the Rural Fire Protection Service Agreement with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno Attorney Bartholf provided a summary of action taken from the last Council meeting. The City of Monroe Council requested to propose a 6 month extension contract to the Monroe Rural Fire District. The MRFD did agree, with one additional provision to allow for either party to discontinue the contract with a 60 day notice. The contract will be presented to the township to take action on. After the townships approve, they will sign the contract at City Hall. Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Kelly Hermanson to approve the 6 month extension to the rural fire protection service agreement with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. b. Discussion and Possible Action on Long Term Fire Protection Contract with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno Attorney Bartholf reviewed the township and many Council members have expressed a desire to hold this discussion at full council level. Alder Thoman reviewed items related to fairness for the contract related to how the City and Townships divide the cost equally. He also reviews possible further consideration if capital equipment should be included in sharing the cost, and which party should be responsible for the maintenance of those items. The City of Monroe budget is much higher than area fire departments, therefore it may be beneficial to further review the fire department budget. Alder Hermanson recognizes the need to determine the next steps and would like this to be proceed as quickly as possible and in open discussion. If there are items to discuss behind closed doors, there should be a mutual agreement to do so. Alder Hermanson has done comparisons with other municipalities and agrees the proposal is higher in cost by comparison. She would like to provide the MRFD an opportunity to present what they are looking for, as well as if they would be willing to run the Fire Department as whole with the City of Monroe contracting services through the MRFD. There is a lot of potential to handle this situation differently, that could result in significant budget savings. Alder Hermanson advocates for a fair, amicable agreement for the citizens of Monroe and the Townships. She would like to see this process to remain open, transparent and collaborative. Alder Thoman directly questions the township representatives present regarding their concerns with the contract proposals, outside of the fairness of the cost. Chad Spotts with the Clarno Township discusses the primary concern is the cost, as it is much higher than what other townships are paying for similar services, while also not owning and maintaining their trucks as the Town of Clarno and Town of Monroe are currently doing. Alder Thoman did some calculations in relation to other townships. He agrees other townships cost for services is much less than what the City of Monroe proposes. He also agrees that the City of Monroe Fire Department budget is much greater than other local Fire Department budgets. It would be desirable to determine if the fire department budget could be reduced without resulting in a drop in service. Chad Spotts reviewed the proposed equalized value method for the cost determination. He does not believe this is fair. This works well for the City of Monroe fire department and their ISO ratings, but does not directly translate to the townships who are rated differently. The ratings effect other items such as insurance rates for the residents. Chief Smits reviews his discussion regarding budget differences between the City of Monroe and the City of Platteville. There are significant differences in salary and pay for personnel. The cost for the services provided to the townships is also spread out over seven townships versus the two townships here. The Platteville budget does not include capital expenses and the personnel do not get paid for training, meetings, etc. The City of Monroe has raised the personnel pay only once in the last 3 years. Alder Thoman reviews the proposed cost based on equalized value.Per Bauman and Associates, most municipalities they work with base the cost services on the equalized value as presented. The Capital could be considered separate. Alder Hermanson reviews the equalized value has been tried multiple without success, and she encourages for Council to listen and consider other ways to reach an agreement. If money remains the issue, the City should further discuss what can be done differently, versus further reviewing equalized value. Alder Driver reviews how to proceed with negotiations. He would like to see a detailed breakdown of what is included in the increase. He agrees it is not fair for the City to pay for the townships, but it is also not fair to close the townships and he would like to see collaboration and transparency between the organizations. Alder Hermanson discusses after a quick glance at prior year fire department budgets, she sees a substantial increase in the budget since 2017, and that should be further evaluated. Alder Thoman reviews the alternative option to charge by population does drop the percentages charged to the townships, and would be worth consideration. Alder Douglas would like to call a special meeting with full Council and the MRFD, after further review and details related to the City of Monroe fire department budget. Alder Binger would like a better understanding regarding the volumes of calls for the City and the townships, as well as a better understanding regarding the entire budget. He would like to see the City not take on too much expense, but also not be passing off unnecessary over expenditures to the townships. Alder Fetterolf shares agreement in needing detail related to the budget, including each line item to evaluate and make decisions moving forward. This should also include call volume. She is also appreciative of the suggestion for the township to be involved in the development of the budgets going forward. Alder Thoman asks Chief Smits if he can share thoughts on how the fire department budget could be reduced. Chief Smits states he did not request an increase in the budget, so he is not sure what that relates to. He is unable to specify where costs could be reduced, but one thought includes a reduction in capital expenditures. Alder Thoman is willing to look further into a regional fire district and Alder Douglas agrees this option could be reviewed with further consultation of the City Attorney. MRFD expresses gratitude for the open meeting and opportunity to hold discussion with all of Council. They share the desire to resolve this as quick as possible, and are willing to meet sooner than later. Alder Douglas would like to schedule a Special Council meeting to develop a plan and possible options to present and discuss with the MRFD at the following regular Council meeting. Alder Hermanson is in agreement. Alder Thoman shares the townships agree that we should not subsidize them, or vice versa. He also understands how no representation by the townships in the development of budget can be frustrating. The City may need to consider full responsibility for maintenance of the trucks and capital equipment. Alder Bauman believes it would be fair for the townships to have representation on the board. Plan for special meeting next week Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 630 PM. Then the MRFD and township representatives will be invited to the following regular Council meeting on June 15th for follow up discussion. Attorney Bartholf will be out next week, therefore any related questions will be proposed to him before the end of week. Alder Douglas shares the MRFD contract proposal for 2020-2024 that could be reviewed prior to the special meeting and suggests all Alders have a copy to review. The Mayor will head the gathering of information from different resources to include the call volume, financial reports from City Staff and Bauman Associates, and townships. Alders may submit their requests to him. 5. BUSINESS: CLOSED UNDER WIS. STATS. 19.85(1)(E) a. Closed under Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: DISCUSS NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES REGARDING LONG TERM FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT WITH THE TOWN OF MONROE AND TOWN OF CLARNO 6. BUSINESS: OPEN a. Discussion and Possible Action on Long Term Fire Protection Contract with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno M. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Kelly Hermanson and seconded by Richard Thoman to adjourn. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. (June 27, 2020)


CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Special Common Council meeting was called to order on Wednesday, June 10, 2020. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Kelly Hermanson, Mickey Beam, Richard Thoman, Rob Driver, Donna Douglas, Tammy Fetterolf and Joshua Binger. Absent were Alders Michael Boyce and Brooke Bauman. A. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Discussion and Possible Action on Long Term Fire Protection Contract with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno The Mayor begins the discussion stating there are two main points to consider during this meeting: 1. What is the cost of the fire department that should be the basis for the agreement? 2. How to distribute that cost? The current proposal for an agreement was based on the cost of $635,000. This cost was composed of the readiness fee, operating and capital costs. Per a document provided by Bauman Associates, $243,000 was related to capital outlay, and $392,000 was based on fixed operating costs. Discussion held regarding the fire department budget over the last few years and when the department was over or under budget. In the most recent years, the fire department has been under budget. Expenditures were the greatest in 2015 at $639,000 versus the expenditures spent in 2019 were only $488,395. Alder Hermanson reviews if the City is spending only approximately 70% of the budget, how can the townships be charged at 100% of that budget? She believes there is opportunity for cost savings and additional revenue streams with further evaluation of the budget and operating costs. This should be considered prior to extending the current prediction of expenditures to the townships. There remains significant confusion on the determination and development of the costs and budgets, as there are discrepancies between the City Administrator's budget developed, and the financial reports provided. Another question was posed, if the City is looking at a consistent budget, then why is there a proposed increase to the townships. Alder Thoman provided insight that the townships are not currently paying based on equalized value, risking the City residents subsidizing the townships for their fire services. Chief Smits questioned if the City doesn't spend the entire projected cost, could the City rebate or credit the townships the difference? Alder Douglas reviews the difficulties for the townships already experience covering their services and expenses, and rebating or crediting the difference would not be feasible. Chief Smits reviewed the opportunities previously presented and available for the rural fire district to be involved in the budget development. The Council refocused to discuss what the actual cost of the fire department is that should be divided among the various municipalities. The capital outlay cost was provided by the former City Administrator; however, no one is able to support how he determined the cost of the capital outlay. There should be further consideration of what composes the capital outlay cost presented by the former City Administrator before continuing to support and disperse that cost. There are various methods to determining depreciation value and capital costs, and there remains uncertainty if this even fairly represents depreciation. Chief Smits explains the current capital costs should be based off of the 5-year capital plan and proposes to involve Bauman Associates to determine the accuracy of the current capital outlay. Alder Hermanson does not support the actual cost of $635,000. She expresses the fixed expenditures of $392,000 could be reduced by cost control and additional revenue streams going forward, so the contract should not be based on this. Alder Thoman inquires why townships are capable of billing for services, but City is not. Chief Smits anticipates this is based on the fact that City residents are taxed for services, and there are legal complications to bill for services that are taxed for. Chief Smits would have to defer to Attorney Bartholf, who is unable to be present tonight, for confirmation. Chief Smits does believe there are some items that can be billed for by the City, but he is uncertain what that could be. Alder Hermanson reviews possible billing opportunities based on the presented history of call volume for the fire department. There are approximately 98 of the 198 calls that were service calls or calls to assist Green County EMS, which include billing opportunities. That is a large number that could result in greater revenue opportunities. She questions the necessity of the fire department employees responding to non-emergent calls, when the police are already working. Chief Smits advised the police no longer respond to non-emergent calls. The Council members would like confirmation on what billing opportunities do exist after consultation with Attorney Bartholf. Alder Hermanson expresses a desire to review revenue and expenditures in a different way than historically done. MRFD proposal includes research that the proposal was multifaceted and included components outside of equalized value such as call volume. There is an average of 40 calls per year in the townships. Discussion held that the township calls are typically more expensive because of greater distance to travel, typically larger fires, and more significant motor vehicle accidents. Alder Hermanson would like supportive data confirming that township calls are truly greater in cost than City calls. Discussion regarding whether motor vehicle accidents should be directly related to the townships equalized value and if it is fair to consider. This supports the notion that the cost allocation proposal should be multifaceted as not all calls are fire calls. Suggestion to consider the average cost of each call responded to. Chief Smits advises the call cost would be hypothetical as it is based on a variety of factors, and could be very difficult to calculate with accuracy. Alder Thoman questions if we only serve the City of Monroe and if there is an accident, would it be the responsibility of the township to respond? Chief Smits confirms that that is correct, and the townships could issue a fire protection tax that is not currently practiced. The long-standing history of the MFD and MRFD was mentioned, including the other townships that were previously involved. Alder Douglas has received concerns from residents regarding the separation of the MRFD from the City. Discussion resumed that it the Council is unable to determine and fully support what the actual cost should be, and it is impossible to build a contract without a known cost. Consideration of basing the contract proposal on the true expenditures from the previous year versus the projected, budgeted cost. Alder Hermanson reviews the ISO rating could be another component to consider in the multifaceted cost allocation, along with the budget and call volume. Alder Thoman expresses residents make the choice to live out in the country and also likely less taxes associated with that property versus the in town residents. Alder Thoman reviews the City is currently on track to spend $436,000 in expenditures for 2020. The Fire Department is currently running under budget consistently for the last few years, so it would not be fair to base it on the budget. There is the possibility the calls for 2020 overall will be less than average due to less events occurring as a result of the pandemic. Chief Smits states the calls are currently higher than normal. He also explains there has not been any training, so the payroll is significantly less than normal for the fire department this year. The Mayor reiterates this is for a 5-year contract, so the Council should not focus on one year. Alder Hermanson inquired why the MRFD proposal was not initially considered. The Mayor advises the RFD did not provide rationale for their proposal and were asked to return with support for their numbers. The concern remained the City of Monroe residents would be subsidizing the township residents as the RFD proposal was not meeting the cost of $635,000. At that time, that cost was determined to be a valid number. The Council shares a desire to promote fairness to the City of Monroe residents, while being demonstrating proof of the cost numbers. Currently, the Council members are unable to stand behind and support the presented numbers. The Mayor will consult with Bauman Associates to identify what line items were included in the fixed cost, review the actual or current budget and ask them to recalculate the capital outlay. He will also inquire Bauman Associates about consideration of potential revenue streams for the fire department. Lastly, the Mayor will reach out to the former City Administrator to gather insight into the capital outlay and depreciation that was determined during his presence. Alder Fetterolf inquired if the City would buy less capital equipment if services are not provided to the townships. Chief Smits advised there would be less capital equipment, particularly related to the engines. The Alders share an agreement to investigate if there is a current possibility to reduce the budget and the overall cost that would be allocated among the municipalities. Further discussion held that the requested information to support the actual cost to base the contract proposal on will not be available prior to Monday's Council meeting. Therefore, it would be recommended to table the continued discussion with the MRFD until the following Council meeting. The Mayor will communicate to the RFD that the City is working to support the contract negotiations with solid information and more time will be required. However, the understanding remains that time is of the essence. It will be the goal to gather and distribute all supportive information to the Council members by next week Friday, June 19th. There will be a special Council meeting prior to the July 6, 2020 meeting. Alder Hermanson entertains the idea to continue into closed session tonight to discuss negotiation strategies. 1. BUSINESS: CLOSED UNDER WIS. STATS. 19.85(1)(E) Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Kelly Hermanson to move to closed session. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. a. Closed Under Wis. Stats 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive bargaining reasons require a closed session: DISCUSS NEGOTIATION STRATEGIES REGARDING LONG TERM FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACT WITH THE TOWN OF MONROE AND TOWN OF CLARNO Redacted. 2. BUSINESS: OPEN a. Discussion and Possible Action on Long Term Fire Protection Contract with the Town of Monroe and the Town of Clarno B. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Kelly Hermanson and seconded by Rob Driver to adjourn. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. (June 27, 2020) WNAXLP
Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been filed at the office of the Village Clerk, in the Village of Browntown, for the sale of liquors or fermented malt beverages in said village, for such class of license and such premises as indicated after the name of the applicant: Applicant: Stephanie J. Cook, Box 5, Browntown, WI 53522 for Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, address of premises: The Bullpen, 108 S Mill Street, Browntown, WI 53522. Applicant: Dale H. Hoesly, W6561 Karric Lane, Monroe, WI 53566 for Combination Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License, address of premises: Trailside Inn, 101 E Old Hwy Rd, Browntown, WI 53522.

Submitted By: Donna Wyss Village of Browntown Clerk

(June 24, 27, 2020) WNAXLP




1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth September 11, 1932 and date of death April 27, 2020 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: 2003 4th Street, Apt. 217, Monroe, WI 53566.

3. The application will be heard at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, before Gloria Baertschi, Probate Registrar, on Thursday, July 9, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is September 16, 2020. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin. 6. This publication is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown. The names or addresses of the following interested persons (if any) are not known or reasonably ascertainable: addresses for Barbara Ann Callies, Penny Wegner, and Mary Roberts.

Gloria A. Baertschi Probate Registrar June 8, 2020

Attorney Todd W. Schluesche 250 N. 18th Avenue, Suite 106 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2500 Bar Number 01024392

(June 13, 20, 27, 2020)


Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Monroe was held on June 8, 2020 as a ZOOM Teleconference

1. Call to Order: Rich Deprez, Board of Education President called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Rich Deprez, Teresa Keehn, Nikki Matley, Cheryl McGuire, Dylan McGuire, Jim Plourde and Tim Wolff – Board Members Absent: Dan Bartholf and Mary Berger - Administration Present – Matt Brown, Jeriamy Jackson, Joe Monroe, Terri Montgomery, Ron Olson, Todd Paradis, and Rick Waski 3. Motion to Temporarily Amend Policy 0161 – Motion by Jim Plourde and seconded by Nikki Matley - Approved 4. Approve Agenda - A motion was made by Nikki Matley and seconded by Jim Plourde to approve the agenda for June 8, 2020 - Approved 5. Public Comment 6. Consent Items - A. Approve Minutes B. Approval of Professional Staff Hiring – C. Approval of Support Staff Resignation – D. Approval of 2020-2021 WASB Membership – Motion by Tim Wolff and seconded by Jim Plourde - Approved 7. Old Business 8. New Business – A. Approval of Policy 6116 Update – Motion by Teresa Keehn and seconded by Tim Wolff – Approved – B. Discussion/Potential Approval of Parkside Project – Motion by Jim Plourde and seconded by Tim Wolff – Approved – C. Informational School Nurse Update – D. Discussion/Potential Approval of Additional Health Assistant Position – Motion by Nikki Matley and seconded by Teresa Keehn – Approved – E. Informational – Staff Home-Learning Survey – F. Discussion on Education Plan for 2020-2021 School Year 9. Informational Items – A. Boardsmanship/Administration – B. Board of Education Correspondence C. Committee Reports – D. Liaison Report 10. Five Minutes for the Press 11. Adjourn - At 9:17 P.M. a motion was made by Jim Plourde and seconded by Cheryl McGuire to adjourn - Approved (June 27, 2020) WNAXLP

Probate Notices

Public Notice

Greenco Industries Inc. hereby provides notice that it intends to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the following transportation projects under Section 5310 to serve seniors and individuals with disabilities in Green and Lafayette Counties. Two Transit type vehicles with seating capacities of either 4 passenger and 2 wheelchair or 8 passenger and zero wheelchair seating. Individuals or agencies wishing to comment or receive additional information about this application should contact Randy Klein at 608-328-8311, 1601 4th Avenue W, Monroe, WI 53566. Formal comments or requests for additional information must be received in writing 14 days after publication. (June 27, July 1, 8, 11, 15, 2020)

Sheriff Marshall Sale



WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A, Plaintiff, vs. JOSEPHINE L. HAWKINS; ET AL, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure entered on October 29, 2019 in the amount of $56,829.62 the Sheriff will sell the described premises at public auction as follows: ORIGINAL TIME: July 30, 2020 at 9:00AM TERMS: 1. 10% of the successful bid is due at the time of sale. Payment must be in cash, cashier’s check or certified check payable to the Green County Clerk of Courts. The balance of the successful bid must be paid to the Clerk of Courts in cash, cashier’s check or certified funds no later than ten days after the court's confirmation of the sale; failure to pay balance due will result in forfeiture of deposit to the plaintiff. 2.The property is sold ‘as is’ and subject to all liens and encumbrances. 3. Upon confirmation of the court, buyer to pay applicable Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Tax in addition to the purchase price. PLACE: Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Ground Floor Conference Room, Monroe, WI DESCRIPTION: The following described Real Estate, Situated in the County of Green and State of Wisconsin, To Wit: Lots Two and Four (2 and 4) except the South Eight feet (S 8 feet) of Lot Four (4), in Block Once Hundred Fifty-Seven (157)of the City of Brodhead, according to the Recorded Plat thereof, Green County, Wisconsin. Being the same fee simple property conveyed by Warranty Deed from Robert R. Riese and Jeanette M. Riese Husband and Wife to Alvin C. Hawkins and Josephine L. Hawkins Husband and Wife Joint Tenants, Dated 05/17/1971 Recorded on 05/18/1971 in Book 245, Page 159 in Green County Records, State of WI. Original plat City of Brodhead. TAX KEY NO: 23206-744.0000 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1402 East 4th Avenue, Brodhead, WI 53520 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we may be attempting to collect a debt on our client's behalf and any information we obtain may be used for that purpose. (June 13, 20, 27, 2020)