Public Notices

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DENNIS E. JOHNSON PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth May 16, 1947 and date of death April 8, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 205 2nd Street, Brooklyn, WI 53521. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is August 9, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 7, 2021

Daniel J. Krause Krause Donovan Estate Law Partners 116 Spring Street Oregon, WI 53575 608-268-5751 Bar Number 1034752

(June 12, 19, 26, 2021) WNAXLP



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JEROME GRUNNET PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth September 4, 1923 and date of death March 24, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N8105 Sandy Hook Road, Brooklyn, WI 53521. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is August 11, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 8, 2021

Daniel J. Krause Krause Estate Planning 116 Spring Street Oregon, WI 53575 608-268-5751 Bar Number 1034752

(June 12, 19, 26, 2021) WNAXLP


STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HELEN C. WETTACH PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth June 17, 1924 and date of death May 23, 2021 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 2003 4th Street, Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 2, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Office of the Register in Probate, Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 2, 2021

Paul W. Voegeli Voegeli, Ewald & Bartholf Law Offices, S.C. P.O. Box 56 Monroe, WI 53566 608-329-9617 Bar Number 1005957

(June 12, 19, 26, 2021)




IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES D. POLUS Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth April 22, 1955 and date of death May 27, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W5644 Hill Lane, Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 21, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 8, 2021

John C. Sauer Kittelsen Barry Wellington & Thompson, S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1122523

(June 12, 19, 26, 2021) WNAXLP



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JERRY M. JACOBSON PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth February 18, 1938 and date of death April 23, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 195 Cedar Ave., Brodhead, WI 53520. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is September 13, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 7, 2021

Attorney Catherine C. Orton Curran, Hollenbeck & Orton, SC 111 Oak Street, PO Box 140 Mauston, WI 53948 (608)847-7363 Bar Number 1014941

(June 12, 19, 26, 2021) WNAXLP


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: DANIEL J. MAURER DOD: October 13, 2020 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth November 3, 1964 and date of death October 13 2020, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W6312 County Rd B, Clarno, WI. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is August 4, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge June 8 2021

Gregory E. Knoke Knoke & Kind Law Office 1904 10th Street Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-7137 Bar Number 1013426

(June 19, 26, 30, 2021) WNAXL


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: STEVEN ROBERT ROWLEY DOD: April 19, 2021 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth February 20, 1965 and date of death April 19, 2021, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W912 Mohns Clark Road, Brodhead, WI 53520. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is September 1, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Thomas J. Vale Circuit Court Judge May 25, 2021

Gregory E. Knoke Knoke & Kind Law Office 1904 10th Street Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-7137 Bar Number 1013426

(June 5, 12, 19, 2021) WNAXLP


A renewal for a Class B (wine only) winery license has been applied for in the Town of Cadiz by Jorny’s End LLC, d/b/a Hawk’s Mill Winery, located at W8170 Pilz Road, Browntown, WI 53522 (June 19, 23, 2021) WNAXLP
A renewal for a Class B beer license has been applied for in the Town of Cadiz by Jorny’s End LLC, d/b/a Hawk’s Mill Winery, located at W8170 Pilz Road, Browntown, WI 53522. (June 19, 23, 2021) WNAXLP


CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Common Council meeting was called to order on Monday, May 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Rob Driver, Brooke Bauman, Michael Boyce, Richard Thoman, Donna Douglas, Mickey Beam, Joshua Binger, Andrew Kranig and Bryan Doyle. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MAY 3, 2021 Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the May 3, 2021 minutes. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. C. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION None. D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR None. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC None. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Claims List 2. Resolution Granting Miscellaneous Licenses Motion made by Donna Douglas and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. G. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER'S REPORT (2ND REGULAR MEETING OF EACH MONTH) 1. Treasurer's Report No discussion. H. PLAN COMMISSION 1. PUBLIC HEARING and Consideration of Ordinance Adopting General Development Plan and Conditional Zoning Change to Planned Development for Alice Place Housing Project - 4.27 Acres located at the NE corner of W. 2nd. Street and County Road N (Tax Parcel ID Number 5028.1000) Public hearing opened up. No public discussion held. Public hearing closed. City Attorney Bartholf provided a summary of the proposed ordinance. This request was previously reviewed and approved by Common Council in September 2020, but with a contingency of 180 days for the developer to finalize the purchase of the property. There was a required environmental study for the developer's financials that resulted in a delay for the closing, extending it beyond the conditional180 days. This ordinance does vary from the previously approved ordinance as the conditional terms changed to 45 days. The intention is to close on the project within the next week. The presented General Development Plan is the same as the Specific Implementation Plan approved by the Plan Commission. Motion made by Rob Driver and seconded by Brooke Bauman to approve the ordinance adopting General Development Plan and conditional zoning change to planned development for Alice Place Housing Project at NE corner of W. 2nd Street and County Rd N. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. PUBLIC HEARING and Consideration of Change of Zoning Petition at 2534 17th Ave be Rezoned from TR10 District to DR8 District Public hearing opened up. No public discussion. Public hearing closed. City Attorney Bartholf reviews this zoning petition is a request to allow a side-by-side duplex that is handicap accessible versus what the current zoning allows is a two-story duplex. The Plan Commission found the request was consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. Motion made by Rob Driver and seconded by Joshua Binger to Motion. On a roll call vote, Motion passed. I. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Resolution to Award Contract for Monroe Industrial Park - Water and Sewer Extension Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Donna Douglas to approve the resolution awarding the contract for Monroe Industrial Park Water and Sewer Extension to Fisher Excavating, Inc. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. J. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Douglas reviews comments and concerns regarding properties on 13th Street, and inquires if there is an application for a building permit. City Administrator Lothspeich advises he will review and follow up. Alder Douglas inquires if an ordinance regarding attendance could be drafted. The Mayor advises it is already addressed within the City Code. K. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS None. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. M. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. BUSINESS: CLOSED Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Rob Driver to move to closed session. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. a. Closed under Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(f) Considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons except where par. (b) applies which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations - DISCUSSION REGARDING FORMER EMPLOYEE POTENTIAL CRIMINAL ACTION REDACTED. b. Closed pursuant to § 19.85(1)(c) – Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility: towit: Discussion of City Administrator Performance Evaluation Data and Goals and Objectives REDACTED. N. ADJOURNMENT (June 19, 2021) WNAXLP

Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources Combined Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

GRANTEE/UGLG NAME: City of Monroe DEHCR GRANT AGREEMENT #: CDBG CL-PF FOR ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT COMBINED NOTICE OF FINDINGS OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS Date of publication or posting: June 19, 2021 City of Monroe 608-329-2500 1110 18th Avenue, Monroe, WI 53566 TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS AND PERSONS: The above-named UGLG has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the following project. The EA is on file at the address above and is available for public examination and copying. Water, Sewer, and Street Improvements on 7th Street, 14th Avenue, and 15th Avenue (Project Title—insert-multi-year, if applicable) Water, Sewer, and Street Improvements on 7th Street, 14th Avenue, and 15th Avenue (Purpose or Nature of Project) 7th Street, 14th Avenue, and 15th Avenue in the City of Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin (Location—City, County, State of Project) $ 1,950,000 (Estimated Cost of Project) The UGLG has determined that such request for release of funds will not constitute an action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment and, accordingly, the UGLG has decided not to prepare an Environmental Impact State (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (PL 91-190). The reason for such decision is (provide a brief but adequate explanation): The proposed public infrastructure improvements will take place in a developed downtown residential area. Research showed no impacts to the environment. The project will not affect any buildings or businesses in the project area, nor cause any relocations. All agencies, groups or individuals disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments to the above address. Such written comments should be received on or before July 5, 2021. All such comments will be considered, and the UGLG will not request the release of federal funds or begin the project prior to such date. On or about July 6, 2021, the UGLG will request the Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources (DEHCR) to release Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (PL 93-383) as amended for this project. The UGLG is certifying to the DEHCR that it and its chief executive officer, in his\her official capacity as Mayor, consent to accept the jurisdiction of the federal courts if an action is brought to enforce environmental review responsibilities, decision-making, and action; and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. Upon certification, the UGLG may use the CDBG funds, and DEHCR will have satisfied its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. DEHCR will accept an objection to the release of funds and certification only if (a) the certification was not executed by the chief executive officer or other officer of the UGLG approved by DEHCR; or (b) the UGLG’s EA indicates omissions of a required decision, finding, or step. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with 24 CFR 58, and may be addressed to the Division of Energy, Housing and Community Resources, Attention: Environmental Desk, P.O. Box 7970, Madison, WI 53708-7970. Objections for reasons other than those stated above will not be considered by DEHCR. No objections received after July 21, 2021 will be considered by DEHCR. Louis Armstrong, Mayor (Chief Elected Official: Name, Title) 1110 18th Avenue, Monroe, WI 53566 (Street, City, State and Zip Code of UGLG’s Chief Elected Official) (June 19, 2021) WNAXLP


STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT, GREEN COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: SHIRLEY A. LAUSCH PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth July 13, 1934 and date of death May 30, 2021 was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of: N3150 Highway 81, Monroe, WI 53566.

3. The application will be heard at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, before Gloria Baertschi, Probate Registrar, on June 28, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. You do not need to appear unless you object. The application may be granted if there is no objection. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent's estate is September 2, 2021. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Office of the Register in Probate. 6. This publication is notice to any persons whose names or addresses are unknown.

Gloria A. Baertschi Probate Registrar June 1, 2021

Paul W. Voegeli Voegeli, Ewald & Bartholf Law Offices, S.C. P.O. Box 56 Monroe, WI 53566-0056 608-328-2000 Bar Number 1005957

(June 5, 12, 19, 2021) WNAXLP


NOTICE is hereby given that the following license applications have been filed at the Office of the City Clerk in the City of Monroe, Wisconsin for license year July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 for the sale of liquors and fermented malt beverages in said City: “Class A” Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages ABC Ventures – 1607 10th St Aldi Inc., Wisconsin – 640 8th St Julie’s Bridal Gallery, LLC – 2404 11th Ave Kwik Trip, Inc. - 720 8th Ave Monroe Hometown Pharmacy LLC – 1008 17th Ave Olin Oil Co., Inc – 180 18th Ave North Piggly Wiggly Midwest, LLC – 725 8th St Shop-Rite, LLC – 246 8th St Stop-N-Go of University Ave, Inc. – 1607 9th St Wal-Mart Stores East, LP – 300 6th Ave West Zgraggen Enterprise, LLC – 657 2nd St Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverages Bowen Oil Company – 907 20th Ave Santos Tinoco – 500 14th Ave “Class B” Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages Bartels Tap LLC – 1012 17th Ave Baumgartner Cheese Store, Inc. – 1023 16th Ave Buggyworks LLC – 1015 18th Ave #112 Nett’s Sports Bar, LLC – 1301 17th St Colony Brands, Inc – 621 14th Ave The Depot Sandbar, Inc. – 1315 17th St French Quarter, Inc. – 1201 17th Ave Friendly Inn, Inc. – 1335 17th St Goodman’s Market, Inc – 1404 12th St Green County House, Inc - 1301 15th Ave Horseshoe Saloon Inc – 1901 10th Ave Leisure Lanes, Inc. – 2308 6th Ave Ludlow Events, LLC – 1417 Mansion Dr Luna Maya Mexican Restaurant, Inc. – 128 W 8th St Suite# 4 Luna Maya Mexican Restaurant, Inc. – 407 6th Street Monroe Arts Center Inc – 1315 11th St Monroe Golf Club, Inc. – 2205 21st St Monroe Lodge No 754 Loyal Order of Moose, Inc. – 639 3rd Ave North Side Pub & Grill LLC – 1609 10th St Pancho & Lefty’s Tex-Mex Grill LLC – 1018 17th Ave Sinners LLC – 1428 17th St Stephen Flanagan – 1610 11th St Suisse Haus, Inc. – 1602 12th St Turner Hall of Monroe, Inc – 1217 17th Ave Vince’s Restaurant and Pizzeria, LLC – 619 4th Ave Zilmer-Riley Post #84 The American Legion Dept. of Wisconsin – 1627 12th Ave Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverages and “Class C” Wine Blue Ox – Monroe, LLC – 702 8th St New Chopsticks LLC – 1021 16th Ave Pizza Hut of Southern Wisconsin, Inc. – 550 8th Ave Class “B” Fermented Malt Beverages Bullquarian Brewhouse, LLC – 1128 17th Ave Brittney Rindy, City Clerk/Treasurer (June 19, 2021) WNAXLP

Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Monroe was held on May 24, 2021

1. Call to Order: Rich Deprez, Board of Education President called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Dan Bartholf, Rich Deprez, Teri Ellefson, Teresa Keehn, Nikki Matley, Cheryl McGuire, Dylan McGuire, Phil Vosberg, and Tim Wolff - Administration Present: Joe Monroe, Terri Montgomery, Ron Olson, Todd Paradis, Amy Timmerman, and Rick Waski 3. Motion to Suspend the Application of Policy 0161 – Motion by Dan Bartholf and seconded by Nikki Matley - Approved 4. Approve Agenda – Motion by Phil Vosberg and seconded by Dan Bartholf to approve agenda – Approved 5. Recognitions 6. Public Comment 7. Consent Items – A. Approve Minutes – B. Approval of Receipts & Expenditures – C. Approval of Support Staff Resignation – D. Approval of Support Staff Retirement – E. Approval of Professional Staff Resignations – F. Approval of Professional Staff Hiring – G. Approval/Acceptance of Community Donation – Motion by Teresa Keehn and seconded by Teri Ellefson – Approved. 8. Old Business – 9. New Business – A. Approval of 2021-2022 WASB Membership – Motion by Tim Wolff and seconded by Nikki Matley – Approved – B. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Deposit of Funds and Approving Deposit Account Agency Agreement – Motion by Teri Ellefson and seconded by Phil Vosberg – C. Approval of Resolution Awarding the Sale of $5,600,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes – Motion by Dan Bartholf and seconded by Teresa Keehn – Approved – D. Approval of Cooperative Agreement with Seneca Area School District – Motion by Tim Wolff and seconded by Nikki Matley – Approved – E. Discussion on Abraham Lincoln Operational Structure – 2021-2022 School Year – F. 2020-2021 COVID-19 Operations Planning Update – Summer School – G. Discussion/Potential Action on Northside Project Bids – Motion by Dan Bartholf and seconded by Nikki Matley - Approved 10. Informational Items – A. Boardsmanship/Administration – B. Board of Education Correspondence – C. Committee Reports – D. Agenda Items for Future Discussion – E. Liaison Reports 11. Five Minutes for the Press 12. Adjournment – At 9:25 P.M. motion by Nikki Matley and seconded by Tim Wolff- Adjourned (June 19, 2021) WNAXLP

Special Meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Monroe was held on May 24, 2021

1. Call to Order: Rich Deprez, Board of Education President called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Board Members Present: Rich Deprez, Teri Ellefson, Teresa Keehn, Nikki Matley, Dylan McGuire, and Phil Vosberg – Board Members Absent: Dan Bartholf, Cheryl McGuire, and Tim Wolff - Administration Present: Joe Monroe, Terri Montgomery, Ron Olson, and Rick Waski 3. Motion to Suspend the Application of Policy 0161 – Motion by Nikki Matley and seconded by Teresa Keehn - Approved 4. Approve Agenda – Motion by Phil Vosberg and seconded by Teresa Keehn to approve agenda – Approved 5. Public Comment 6. New Business – A. Discussion/Potential Action on Northside Construction Bid Package #2 – Motion by Teri Ellefson and seconded by Phil Vosberg – Approved – B. Discussion/Potential Action on Hiring of MHS Principal, Thomas Dorgan – Motion by Nikki Matley and seconded by Teri Ellefson - Approved 7. Adjournment – At 7:26 P.M. motion by Phil Vosberg and seconded by Nikki Matley- Adjourned (June 19, 2021) WNAXLP

Name Changes



IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: ELLIEANNA NICOLE PAIGE By: KATLIN NICOLE PAIGE BY: JACE MICHAEL DUNLAVEY NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: ELLIEANNA NICOLE PAIGE To: ELLIEANNA NICOLE DUNLAVEY Birth Certificate: ELLIEANNA NICOLE PAIGE IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:

BY: Honorable Thomas J. Vale PLACE: Via Zoom Instructions to Appear by Zoom DATE:

July 13, 2021 TIME: 11:15am If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.

BY THE COURT: Honorable Thomas J. Vale Green County Circuit Court Judge June 11, 2021

(June 19, 26, 30, 2021)