Public Notices
PROCEEDINGS OF THE GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS May 14, 2024 County Boardroom, Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Ave, Monroe, WI Chair Jerry Guth called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Clerk read the roll call with 29 present, 1 excused absence being Krattiger and 1 tardy being Hartwig. The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Land Conservationist Todd Jenson and Soil Conservationist Tonya Gratz presented the Land and Water Conservation Annual Report. Motion by Wilke, seconded by Larson to receive Land and Water Conservation Annual Report. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. County Board Chair Jerry Guth presented Tonya Gratz with a Wisconsin Land and Water Outstanding Soil Conservationist Award for 2024. Motion by Roth, seconded by Carlson to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2024, meeting. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.ORDINANCE 24-0501 Modification to ATV/UTV Route WHEREAS, the Green County Highway Committee is charged with the duty to receive and make recommendations for Green County upon all highway matters referred to them; and WHEREAS, the Green County Highway Committee has approved an ATV/UTV route in the Town of Monroe and is requesting that the Board also approve the route as described in this Ordinance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that Title 8 of the Green County Code be modified as follows: 8-2-13: CURRENT COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY DESIGNATED ATV/UTV ROUTES H. Town of Monroe 8. On CTH N – From Iliff Road to 2nd Street North (City of Monroe). SIGNED: GREEN COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Russ Torkelson Kathy Pennington William Burchard Mark Gundlach Kristi Leonard Motion by Torkelson, seconded by Hartwig to approve Ordinance 24-0501. Motion carried by a voice vote with no’s being: Boll, Carlson, Carus, Guth, Larson and Roth.ORDINANCE 24-0502 Modification to ATV/UTV Route WHEREAS, the Green County Highway Committee is charged with the duty to receive and make recommendations for Green County upon all highway matters referred to them; and WHEREAS, the Green County Highway Committee has approved an ATV/UTV route in the Town of Adams and is requesting that the Board also approve the route as described in this Ordinance; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that Title 8 of the Green County Code be modified as follows: 8-2-13: CURRENT COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY DESIGNATED ATV/UTV ROUTES E. Town of Adams 7. On CTH J – From Holstein Prairie Road to the Adams/York Town line. SIGNED: GREEN COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Russ Torkelson Kathy Pennington William Burchard Mark Gundlach Kristi Leonard Motion by Gundlach, seconded by Tschudy to approve Ordinance 24-0502. Motion carried by a voice vote with one no being Larson.ORDINANCE 24-0503 Modification to Green County Land & Water Conservation Committee WHEREAS, the Committee of Committees has general supervision over Green County’s standing committees; and WHEREAS, after review of the Green County Code the Committee of Committees has indicated the members of the Green County Land & Water Conservation Committee needs to be modified; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the following additions, deletions and corrections be made to Title 1 of the Green County Code. 1-7-10: LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE This Committee shall be comprised of six (6) seven members, one of whom shall be the Chairperson of the Farm Service Agency Committee or other Farm Service Agency Committee member designated by the Chairperson of the Farm Service Agency Committee a citizen advisory member, who is actively engaged in an agricultural use. The remaining five (5) six members of the Committee shall be selected by the Chairperson of the County Board, and shall include at least two (2) County Board members who are members of the Agriculture and Extension Education Committee. It shall be the duty of this Committee: SIGNED: LAND & WATER CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Nick Hartwig Kristi Leonard Paul Roemer Erica Roth Peg Sheaffer Dudley Timm SIGNED: COMMITTEE OF COMMITTEES Jerry Guth, Chair Jody Hoesly Kristi Leonard, Vice-Chair Dennis Schwartz Motion by Hartwig, seconded by Schwartz to approve Ordinance 24-0503. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.ORDINANCE 24-0504 Modification to Green County Agriculture and Extension Education Committee WHEREAS, the Committee of Committees has general supervision over Green County’s standing committees; and WHEREAS, after review of the Green County Code the Committee of Committees has indicated the members of the Green County Agriculture and Extension Education Committee needs to be modified; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the following additions, deletions and corrections be made to Title 1 of the Green County Code. 1-7-25: AGRICULTURE AND EXTENSION EDUCATION COMMITTEE This Committee shall be comprised of five (5) County Board members, one of whom shall be the County Board Chairperson. This Committee shall perform the functions and exercise the powers as set forth in §59.56(3), Wis. Stats. Its duties shall include: A. Have charge of all agriculture and extension education related matters within the County and shall act with the University of Wisconsin-Extension Agents in all matters pertaining to the County Agriculture, Health and Well-Being, Nutrition, 4-H and Youth Development and Community Development Family Living Educational Programs. B. Hire, supervise, and evaluate County UWEX Agents. C. Audit and allow all bills originating in and for UWEX and agricultural related purposes in the County. (Ord. 82-0720, 7-13-82) SIGNED: COMMITTEE OF COMMITTEES Jerry Guth, Chair Kristi Leonard, Vice-Chair Jody Hoesly Dennis Schwartz Motion by Roth, seconded by Pennington to approve Ordinance 24-0504 as amended. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.RESOLUTION 5-1-24 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF TELECOMMUTING OPPORTUNITIES and TELECOMMUTER FORWARD CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, Green County supports and commits to promote the availability of telecommuting options; and WHEREAS, Green County hereby appoints, under the direction of the Information Technology Director, the Broadband Coordinator as the single point of contact for coordinating telecommuting opportunities within Green County, including the following responsibilities: 1. Coordination and partnership with broadband providers, realtors, economic development professionals, employers, employees, and other telecommuting stakeholders. 2. Collaboration with broadband providers and employers to identify, develop, and market telecommuter-capable broadband packages. 3. Communication and partnership with broadband providers and economic development professionals to develop common goals. 4. Promotion of telecommuter-friendly workspaces, such as business incubators with telecommuting spaces, if such a workspace has been established in Green County at the time Green County adopts the resolution. 5. Familiarity with broadband mapping tools and other state-level resources. 6. Maintaining regular communication with the state broadband office. 7. Making regular reports to the Information Technology Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, to support telecommuting opportunities for Green County in its application for Telecommuter Forward! Community certification. SIGNED: Information Technology Committee Melissa Even, Chair Kathy Pennington, Vice-Chair Isaiah Carlson Will Oemichen Brenda Carus Motion by Even, seconded by Carus to approve Resolution 5-1-24. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Appointments: Motion by Furgal, seconded by Snow to appoint Cody Kanable to the Land Information Council as the Public Safety/Emergency Communications representative for an indefinite term. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Motion by Thoman, seconded by Wilke to appoint Melissa Thompson to the Land Information Council as the Realtor representative for an indefinite term. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Announcements: County Clerk Voegeli sent out a Child Advocacy Center golf outing invitation; Jody Hoesly reminded county board supervisors that the Strategic Planning applications were due on Wednesday, May 15; County Clerk Voegeli will be sending out a building facility survey and “Happy Birthday” was sung to Michael Furgal. Distributions: The Public Health Annual report was distributed. Motion by Oemichen, seconded by Kubly to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS COUNTY OF GREEN ) I, Arianna L. Voegeli, County Clerk, in and for said County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings of the County Board of Supervisors of Green County, Wisconsin, on their meeting of May 14, 2024, A.D. Arianna L. Voegeli Green County Clerk (May 22, 2024) WNAXLP |
PUBLICATION SUMMONS CASE NO. 2024CV000041 JUDGE JANE BUCHER CASE CODE NO. 30404 STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT CIVIL DIVISION, GREEN COUNTY ROCKET MORTGAGE, LLC F/K/A QUICKEN LOANS, LLC F/K/A QUICKEN LOANS INC. 1050 WOODWARD AVE. DETROIT, MI 48226 Plaintiff vs. SHERRY R. SCHWARTZ 2322 16TH AVE MONROE, WI 53566 BANKERS' BANK C/O HIGHEST RANKING OFFICER, 7700 MINERAL POINT RD. MADISON, WI 53717 UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF SHERRY R. SCHWARTZ 2322 16TH AVENUE MONROE, WI 53566 Defendants THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To each person named above as Defendant: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or other legal action against you. Within 40 days after May 8, 2024, you must respond with a written demand for a copy of the complaint. The demand must be sent or delivered to the court, whose address is Carol Thompson, Clerk of Courts, Green County Courthouse, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, WI 53566 and to Michael C. Timothy, Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 3650, Chicago, Illinois 60602. You may have an attorney help represent you. If you do not demand a copy of the complaint within 40 days, the court may grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property. Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff /s/ Michael C. Timothy Michael C. Timothy State Bar No. 1032915 Johnson, Blumberg & Associates, LLC 30 N. LaSalle St., Suite 3650 Chicago, Illinois 60602 Ph. 312-541-9710 Fax 312-541-9711 Dated: April 29, 2024 Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1692), we are required to state that we are attempting to collect a debt on our client’s behalf and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose. (May 8, 15, 22, 2024) WNAXLP |
Public Hearings
LEGAL NOTICE: There will be a public hearing before the Green County Zoning and Land Use Committee relative to the rezoning of a parcel of land from the Agricultural zoning district to the Industrial zoning district. The current landowner is SDR Properties, LLC., and the property is located in the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 11, T2N-R6E, Klondike Road, Town of Jordan. Rezoning is proposed by the applicant for a warehouse. The public hearing will be held in the County Board Room at the Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. All those who are concerned or affected by such action are urged to attend. GREEN COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATION Adam M. Wiegel Zoning Administrator (May 22, 29, 2024) WNAXLP |