Public Notices


CITY OF MONROE COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES Date: March 18, 2019 Time: 6:30 PM Place: City Hall Council Chambers - 1110 18th Avenue

CALL TO ORDER The Common Council was called to order on March 18, 2019. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE B. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Michael Boyce, Brooke Bauman, Chris Beer, Jeff Newcomer, Richard Thoman, Ron Marsh, Rob Schilt, Donna Douglas, and Mickey Beam. C. CORRECTION OF MINUTES None. D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR Mayor Armstrong recognized the awards won by the Monroe Times and city reporter Bridget Cooke. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC None. F. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to approve the consent agenda by Chris Beer, seconded by Donna Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 1. Claims List G. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER'S REPORT (2ND REGULAR MEETING OF EACH MONTH) None. 1. Treasurer's Report H. PLAN COMMISSION 1. Ordinance rezoning property # 161 (Hold public hearing) A public hearing was held. No one from the public spoke. Motion by Michael Boyce to adopt the ordinance rezoning property # 161, seconded by Ron Marsh. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. I. FINANCE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE 1. Proposed Amendments to 2018 Annual Budget Administrator Rath explained that proposed amendments to the 2018 budget were brought up at a Finance and Taxation meeting. The committee reviewed the budget and inquired about making amendments after the budget year ended. Revisions to the budget would only be reflected in the audit document and would not have any direct impact on future budgeting processes. During the budget process, actual numbers are used. Rath explained that there was a variance of $14,562 in the 2018 budget. The Council could make the amendments through a 2/3 vote and the amendments would need to be published in the newspaper. The proposed amendments would bring divisions into line with what was budgeted. The only financial impact would be the cost of the newspaper publication and staff time to enter the adjustments into the accounting software. Discussion took place about reviewing the budget on a quarterly basis and making adjustments throughout the year. Motion by Ron Marsh to approve the proposed amendments to the 2018 budget, seconded by Brooke Bauman. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. Ayes: Bauman, Newcomer, Marsh, Schilt, Douglas, and Beam Nays: Boyce, Beer, and Thoman 2. Consideration of Using Reserve Funds for Capital Purchase Requests from the Director of Public Works Motion to approve the capital purchase requests by Michael Boyce, seconded by Chris Beer. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. J. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Authorize City Staff to Pursue the Establishment of an Intergovernmental Relationship with the Monroe School District for a School Resource Officer (SRO) This agenda item was a continuation from the last council meeting on March 4, 2019, at which time Rick Waski, Police Chief Fred Kelley, and Administrator Phil Rath discussed a proposed agreement for a School Resource Officer (SRO). Last week the school board voted 8-0 to approve the concept of hiring and placement of the SRO and authorized school administration to work out the details of the final agreement with city staff. The agreement would be brought back to the Monroe School District for adoption, and Rath recommends a similar path for the city council. Rath explained the cost sharing agreement, with 60% of the position being funded by the school district with the other 40% being funded by the city. Any overtime accrued on behalf of the school district would be paid by the school district. If the officer worked less than 40 hours through the city, the remainder of the hours could be finished with the school district with no overtime calculation. Over the next few weeks details will be worked out an agreement will be brought back to the council within a month and a half at most, with staff working internally during that time to come up with a memorandum of understanding with the bargaining unit and looking to start the hiring process for the position. The target start time for the position is in the last week of August of the 2019-2020 school year. Questions and answers took place about how snow days, holidays, inservice days, etc. would be addressed, which Rath explained are details that still need to be worked out. Further questions and answers took place about whether or not the position would come from an existing staff member, and if it would create any staff shortages. Rath recommends a staffing study to take a look at this. Alder Bauman would like a staff study on a city level. Questions and answers took regarding whether or not the SRO works with the police department's policing strategy. 2. Consideration of Options Regarding Potential Closure Date for Tax Increment Districts 4 and 5 Administrator Rath explained that the deadline for the city to close the TID in 2019 is April 15. If closed before April 15, increment dollars collected in 2019 would be used for the affordable housing, and if closed after April 15, increment dollars collected in 2020 would be used for the affordable housing. Rath reviewed the TIDs, explaining that TID 4 has sufficient valuation of $140,000, not including 2019 collections. The final audit still needs to be performed per state statutes, and the audit is estimated to be around $10,000 or less. Anything left after the cost of the audit goes back to the entities proportionately and leaves the ability for the 2019 increment to be used for the affordable housing extension. Rath explained that the alternative is to collect the funds from 2019 and add to the $140,000 and distribute after the audit, and use the 2020 increment towards affordable housing. TID 5 has a positive balance, but has around $600,000 of outstanding debt service, part of which would be paid this year, and the balance would be paid in 2020. With the 2019 increment of about $380,000, there would be enough to pay off debt service final balance and pay for the audit, but funds would not be available to be used now and 2020 increment would need to be used for affordable housing. Rath recommends closing TID 4 now and postponing the closure of TID 5 until 2020. Motion by Michael Boyce to approve Administrator Rath's recommendation of closing TID 4 now and postponing the closure of TID 5 until 2020, seconded by Brooke Bauman. Questions and answers took place. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. K. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS None. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS None. M. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. N. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Chris Beer, seconded by Michael Boyce. Upon voice vote, motion carried. (April 10, 2019) WNAXLP

Ordinance 03-11-19 Ordinance Regulating the Siting of Wind Energy Systems

I Title and Purpose II Authority III Adoption of Ordinance IV Definitions V Regulations and Permitting VI Relationship to Other Laws VII Severability VIII Effective Date SECTION I – TITLE AND PURPOSE The title of this ordinance is the Town of Sylvester Ordinance Regulating the Siting of Wind Energy Systems. The purpose of this ordinance is to allow the Town of Sylvester in Green County, Wisconsin, to regulate and permit the siting of large wind-driven turbines and generators used to produce electric power and ensure any proposed wind energy system compiles with applicable provisions of PSC 128, Wisconsin Administrative Code as amended, and this section. This section provides the standards and procedures for issuance of conditional use permits for wind energy systems, as defined in s. 66.043(1)(m), Wis. Stats. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to Wis. Stat 66.0401. All regulations contained herein are adopted to preserve and protect the public health and safety. SECTION II – AUTHORITY The Town Board of the Town of Sylvester, Green County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 66.0113, Wis. Stats., and s. 66.0401 to adopt this ordinance. SECTION III – ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides the authority for the town to regulate and permit the siting of large wind-driven turbines and generators used to produce electric power. SECTION IV – DEFINITIONS A. “Wind Energy System” has the meaning given in s. 66.0403(1)(m), Wis. Stats. B. “Application for Approval” means an application for approval of a wind energy system under rules promulgated by the Commission under s. 196.378(4g) (c) 1. C. “Commission” means the Wisconsin Public Service Commission. SECTION V – REGULATIONS AND PERMITTING A. No restriction shall be placed, either directly or in effect, on the installation or use of a wind energy system, unless the restriction satisfies one of the following conditions: (a) Serves to preserve or protect the public health or safety. (b) Does not significantly increase the cost of the system or significantly decrease its efficiency. (c) Allows for an alternative system of comparable cost and efficiency. B. Wind energy systems are a conditional use in the Town of Sylvester. The Town will apply Wis. Stats. S. 66.0401(4) and PSC Ch. 128 Wisconsin Administrative Code as amended, in the individual and careful evaluation of such requests, and hereby incorporates by reference said sections. C. To the extent not inconsistent with state law, the procedures for consideration of conditional uses set forth in Green County Zoning Regulations, Ch. 4, or any successor subsection, shall be followed. D. The permit application shall include a description of the electrical distribution system the applicant intends to use in conjunction with the wind energy system, including contractual commitments of third-parties necessary to the distribution plan. No application shall be considered complete until the applicant demonstrates a complete distribution system to facilities able to accept the entire maximum load of the wind energy system. E. Small-scale wind energy systems, not requiring approval under section 196.491 Wis. Stats., and used for creating electricity to be used on an individual’s property, are not regulated by this ordinance. F. The application for approval shall be submitted to the Town Clerk, with three (3) paper copies, together with a PDF copy and a filing fee equal to the current applicable filing fee for conditional use permits. G. The applicant shall offer the compensation to non-participating property owners as authorized by PSC 128.33(3) & (3m) and shall file annual reports pursuant to PSC 128.33(5). SECTION VI – RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER LAWS The adoption of this ordinance incorporating any similar Green County Zoning Regulation is intended to make any County and Town Ordinances compatible and applicable to the conditional use permit for the property where the wind energy system is to be sited. SECTION VII – SEVERABILITY If any provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this ordinance that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. SECTION VIII – EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance is effective upon publication or posting. If at any time during the life of this ordinance rules promulgated by the Commission under s. 196.378(4g) (c) 1 are ruled invalid or otherwise repealed, the portions of those rules incorporated by reference into this ordinance shall remain in full effect under this ordinance until such time as new rules are promulgated by the Commission or this ordinance is declared invalid or repealed. The Town Clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required by law. Dated this 11th day of March, 2019. Town of Sylvester, Green County, WI Anna M. Anderson, Chair Terry Reed, First Supervisor David Schenk, Second Supervisor Attest: Lynn Lokken Town Clerk (April 10, 2019) WNAXLP

Public Hearings


There will be a public hearing before the Green County Board of Adjustment to consider an application for a conditional use permit from Sager Properties, landowner: for the operation of a fencing business. The land is zoned agricultural, and is located at W5151 Harper Road, Section 36, T3N-R7E, Town of Washington. The public hearing will be held in the County Board Room at the Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. All those who are concerned or affected by such action are urged to attend. GREEN COUNTY ZONING ADMINISTRATION Adam M. Wiegel Zoning Administrator (April 3, 10, 2019) WNAXLP