Public Notices

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CAROL J. PRIEBE Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth January 21, 1935, and date of death January 12, 2023, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of W9634 County Rd Y, Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 30, 2023. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Court.

Faun Marie Phillipson Circuit Court Judge February 24, 2023

Attorney Robb E. Leach Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1082487

(March 4, 11, 18, 2023) WNAXLP



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY L. STUESSY, A/K/A MARY LOU STUESSY PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth March 2, 1936, and date of death January 10, 2023, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 2011 17th Ave., Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is May 30, 2023. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin.

Faun Marie Phillipson Circuit Court Judge February 17, 2023

Atty, Sheila Stuart Kelley Kopp McKichan, LLP 44 E. Main St., PO Box 253 Platteville, WI 53818 (608)348-2615 Bar Number 1018962

(February 25, March 4, 11, 2023) WNAXLP


Common Council Minutes

CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Common Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Douglas on Monday, February 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Brooke Bauman, Joshua Binger, Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Chris Schindler, Lynne Kleven, Heidi Treuthardt, Mary Jane Grenzow and Tom Miller. B. CORRECTION OF MINUTES - FEBRUARY 6, 2022 The February 6, 2023 minutes were accepted as posted. C. PRESENTATIONS OF PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATION D. BUSINESS BY MAYOR 1. Update on Ad Hoc Committee - Monroe Fire Department Operations and Structure Mayor Douglas provides an update regarding the Ad Hoc Fire Department Operations and Structure meeting that was held earlier this evening. It was a joint meeting with the Police and Fire Commission. There will be a survey distributed to firefighters. The next meeting will include a discussion with EMS, PD and Monroe Clinic if available. E. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appearances by Citizens 2. Appearances by property/business owners within the City of Monroe or their authorized agents F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Claims List 2. Resolution Granting Miscellaneous Licenses Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. G. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER'S REPORT (2ND REGULAR MEETING OF EACH MONTH) 1. Treasurer's Report Alder Kranig inquires on Utility Service Group Charge on the Claim's list. Director of Public Works Al Gerber believes it relates to service for the well maintenance program but will confirm with Supervisor Kennison and follow up. H. LICENSE COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Granting a Temporary Amendment to Licensed Premises Description for "Class B" Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License to Add an Outdoor Beer Garden for Suisse Haus - 1602 12th Street Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution granting a temporary amendment to licensed premises description for "Class B" liquor and fermented malt beverage license to add an Outdoor Beer Garden for Suisse Haus - 1602 12th Street. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Approving Temporary Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage and Wine License to Monroe Chamber of Commerce Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the temporary Class "B" fermented malt beverage and wine license to the Monroe Chamber of Commerce. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Resolution Approving the Issuance of the "Class B" Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License to Golf Monroe Wisconsin, LLC Upon Relinquishment by Monroe Golf Club, Inc Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution approving the issuance of the "Class B" liquor and fermented malt beverage license to Golf Monroe Wisconsin, LLC upon relinquishment by Monroe Golf Club, Inc. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 4. Resolution Approving Original "Class B" Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverage License to Golf Monroe Wisconsin, LLC Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Heidi Treuthardt to approve the original "Class B" liquor and fermentated malt beverage license to Golf Monroe Wisconsin, LLC. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. I. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution Approving Special Events - 1. Monroe Main Street St. Patrick's Day Parade 2. Green County Conservation League Youth Conservation Day Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the special event resolution - 1. Monroe Main Street St. Patrick's Day Parade 2. Green County Conservation League Youth Conservation Day. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. J. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Resolution Ratifying the Purchase of Two New Wastewater Utility Trucks Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve resolution ratifying the purchase of two new wastewater utility trucks. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Resolution Ratifying Purchase of One Ton Dump Truck Motion made by Brooke Bauman and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution ratifying the purchase of one ton dump truck. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. K. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Update on Interim City Administrator and Recruitment Status City Administrator Lothspeich updates the Council the Interim RFP (request for proposal) and recruitment were both sent out last week. The Interim City Administrator RFP will return to Common Council on March 6th for consideration. The RFP's for recruitment will occur later in March. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS Alder Miller compliments Victoria Solomon with UW Extension and Olivia Otte with Green County Development Corp (GCDC) for their efforts with the Green County Leaders program. He joined them on a recent tour of the Wisconsin Capital. He encourages Alders to consider joining this program in the future. They have a history of successful projects and programs bettering the community. Alder Grenzow shares Green County Development Corp is having a presentation on economic trends specific to Green County at an upcoming breakfast event. She encourages other Alders to attend but to let Clerk Rindy know if they plan to attend for walking quorum purposes. She also mentions this is an opportune time to set up an economic development committee to maintain progress during the absence of a City Administrator. She requests to consider adding this discussion to a future agenda for discussion and possible action. M. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS N. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS O. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Brooke Bauman to adjourn at 6:52 PM. On a voice vote, Motion Passed. (March 11, 2023) WNAXLP

Name Changes



IN THE MATTER OF THE NAME CHANGE OF: YOUNG-MI AMI VETTERLI NOTICE IS GIVEN: A petition was filed asking to change the name of the person listed above: From: YOUNG-MI AMI VETTERLI To: AMY MARIE DULL Birth Certificate: YOUNG-MI AMI VETTERLI IT IS ORDERED: This petition will be heard in the Circuit Court of Green County, State of Wisconsin:

BY: Honorable Thomas J. Vale PLACE: The Green County Justice Center 2841 6th St., Monroe, WI 53566 DATE:

April 4, 2023 TIME: 10:45 AM If you require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to participate in the court process, please call 608-328-9433 at least ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled court date. Please note that the court does not provide transportation.

BY THE COURT: Honorable Thomas J. Vale Green County Circuit Court Judge February 24. 2023

(March 4, 11, 18, 2023)