Public Notices



CALL TO ORDER The Common Council was called to order on February 4, 2019. A. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE B. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Brooke Bauman, Chris Beer, Jeff Newcomer, Richard Thoman, Ron Marsh, Rob Schilt, Donna Douglas, and Mickey Beam. Alder Michael Boyce was absent. Youth in Government member Triniti Siedschlag was also present. C. CORRECTION OF MINUTES None. D. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC None. E. CONSENT AGENDA Motion to approve the consent agenda by Chris Beer, seconded by Donna Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 1. Miscellaneous Licenses 2. Claims List F. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Resolution approving change order # 1 for contract with McMahon Associates, Inc. for WWTP Odor Control Project Motion by Jeff Newcomer to approve the resolution approving change order #1 for contract with McMahon Associates, Inc. for WWTP Odor Control Project, seconded by Rob Schilt. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 2. Resolution awarding contract for industrial park water tower painting Motion by Jeff Newcomer to approve the resolution awarding the contract for the industrial park water tower painting to the low bidder L&T Painting, Inc., seconded by Rob Schilt. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 3. Discussion regarding options for hospital water tower Jeff Newcomer explained that the Utilities Supervisor Mike Kennison brought the item to the Board of Public Works looking for direction on how to proceed. The Board referred it to the full council for discussion and a recommendation. Utilities Supervisor Mike Kennison explained the three options for the tower: 1. Paint and bring the current tower up to code 2. Use the current tower and enter into a maintenance agreement 3. Build a new tower at an alternative site Kennison explained that the current tower was built in the 40's or 50's, the steel is thick and well built, and if painted and brought to code, would last another 25-30 years. An altitude valve would need to be installed to bring back to one zone to allow the tower to float with the tower in the industrial park. The cost for the altitude valve is not included in the estimated cost, but is minimal compared to the overall project cost. A new tower is the most expensive option and would last 50-60 years, and would still need to be repainted after 25 years. Any option would need a safe water drinking loan, and all three options would create a rate increase to citizens. Questions and answers took place. Kennison recommends painting the current tower, bringing up to code, and installation of the altitude valve. Motion by Ron Marsh to proceed with option one at a cost of $974,750, seconded by Donna Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. G. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Resolution approving special event Motion by Rob Schilt to approve the resolution approving the St. Patrick's Day Parade, seconded by Donna Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. 2. Resolution approving 30-minute timed parking area Motion by Rob Schilt to approve the resolution approving the 30-minute timed parking area, seconded by Donna Douglas. Upon roll call vote, motion carried. H. COUNCIL OF THE WHOLE 1. Budget Oversight Discussion Mayor Armstrong explained he is working with Administrator Rath on salaries and wage increase guidelines and plans to present those in March. Administrator Rath explained that in past years, the auditors would make year end adjustments to be incorporated into the budget and financial documentation. The auditors did not believe that budget amendments needed to be made at that time. The budgeting intent last year was to adopt the budget at a summary level. Rath went through the budget department by department, addressing why departments were over or under budget. Overall, the city came in $206,000 under budget. Discussion took place about the budgeting issues. Rath explained that the budget issue is a several year issue, as growth is not happening at a level to keep up with wage increases. Mayor Armstrong said that this is a kick off to the budget season, and that the takeaways from this discussion should be used when working on the 2020 budget. I. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS None. J. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Confidential Memo Regarding Delores Marti Cat Seizure House Attorney Bartholf provided an update that the house had been sold and the placard had been removed. Council members were provided with a confidential memo with further information. K. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS None. L. BUSINESS: CLOSED Mayor Armstrong read the purpose of the closed session under Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e): Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session, and the following agenda item: CONSIDER CONTINGENT OFFER TO PURCHASE VACANT LAND FROM THE CITY OF MONROE LOCATED IN TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT #9. Motion to go into closed session by Chris Beer, seconded by Brooke Bauman. Upon voice vote, motion carried unanimously as announced by Mayor Armstrong. 1. Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session: CONSIDER CONTINGENT OFFER TO PURCHASE VACANT LAND FROM THE CITY OF MONROE LOCATED IN TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT #9 REDACTED M. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn by Chris Beer, seconded by Ron Marsh. Upon voice vote, motion carried. (February 23, 2019) WNAXLP


A public hearing will be held in the City Hall Council Chambers located at 1110 18th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin, March 18th, 2019 at 6:30 P.M. relative to: ORDINANCE REZONING PROPERTY # 161 – This proposed ordinance is to rezone property located on parcel# 2325132250000 from TR-10 (One and Two Family Residential) to DR-8 (Duplex Residential). The proposed ordinance and a map showing the affected property is available for inspection at the City Clerk’s Office. Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting, including need for an interpreter, materials in alternate formats, or other accommodations, should be made to the Office of the City Clerk at (608)329-2530 with as much advance notice as possible so that proper arrangements can be made. Arianna L. Voegeli City Clerk (February 23, March 2, 2019) WNAXLP


FOR THE COMPLETE PUBLIC NOTICE AND DETAILS GO TO THE WEB LINK: Permittee: Chula Vista Cheese Company, 2923 Mayer Rd, Browntown, WI 53522 Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Chula Vista Cheese Company, 2923 Mayer Rd, Browntown, WI Receiving Water and Location: Groundwater of the Pecatonica River Basin, Lafayette County Brief Facility Description: Chula Vista is a medium sized cheese producer located in southeastern Lafayette County, Wisconsin. The factory is primarily a processor of “Mexican Style Cheeses”, processing an average of 400,000 lbs. of milk per day, and has a maximum production rate of 550,000 lbs of milk per day. Process wastewaters are disposed of by way of settling, anaerobic treatment, aerobic storage, then spray irrigation. The spray irrigation system consists of a 32.8 acre field to the north of the facility, and a 14.6 acre field to the south of the facility. Wastewaters are stored during the winter and inclement weather in a 5 MG lagoon. Other process related wastes such as floor sweepings, can be landspread but to date have been sent to other processors for secondary processing such as fish bait. Noncontact waters are discharged into a ridge and furrow System. Permit Drafter: Amanda Perdzock, DNR, 101 S. Webster St., PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707, (608) 267-7635, Basin Engineer: Alan Hopfensperger, DNR, 3911 Fish Hatchery Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711, (608) 275-3279, The Department has tentatively decided that the above specified WPDES permit should be modified. Proposed Modification: This modification adds a new southern irrigation field and 7.9 acres to the facility’s existing northern irrigation field for limited land treatment use. Plan and specifications for these new irrigation areas were approved by Jason Knutson, Water Quality Bureau, on June 18, 2018. Persons wishing to comment on or object to the proposed permit action, or to request a public hearing, may write to the Department of Natural Resources at the permit drafter’s address. All comments or suggestions received no later than 30 days after the publication date of this public notice will be considered along with other information on file in making a final decision regarding the permit. Anyone providing comments in response to this public notice will receive a notification of the Department’s final decision when the permit is issued. The Department may schedule a public informational hearing if requested by any person and shall schedule an informational hearing if a petition requesting a hearing is received from 5 or more persons or if response to this notice indicates significant public interest pursuant to s. 283.49, Stats. Information on requesting a hearing is at the above web link. Limitations and conditions which the Department believes adequately protect the receiving water are included in the proposed permit. Information on file for this permit action, including the draft permit, fact sheet and permit application, may be reviewed on the internet at the above web link or may be inspected and copied at the permit drafter’s office during office hours. Information on this permit may also be obtained by calling the permit drafter or by writing to the Department. Reasonable costs (15 cents per page for copies and 7 cents per page for scanning) will be charged for information in the file other than the public notice, permit and fact sheet. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be made to qualified individuals upon request. (February 23, 2019) WNAXLP