Public Notices

Advertisement to Bid


FROM: 1.01 The Owner (hereinafter referred to as Owner): City of Monroe 1110 18th Avenue Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 1.02 And the Engineer (hereinafter referred to as Engineer): Fehr Graham 1107 16th Avenue Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 1.03 TO: POTENTIAL BIDDERS A. The City of Monroe will accept sealed bids for the Honey Creek Streambank Stabilization Improvements Project until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at the City of Monroe, City Hall, 1110 18th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids will be accepted until the specified opening time and date. All bids must be checked in by the City Clerk’s office prior to bid time. Any bidder attempting to deliver after the opening time and date will be refused. B. The work under this contract shall consist of rehabilitation of the streambank along Honey Creek in Honey Creek Park, Monroe, Wisconsin. C. Completed Bidder’s Proof of Responsibility forms must be submitted at least five (5) calendar days prior to bid opening. Bidder’s Proof of Responsibility forms are required once per calendar year. Bidders not submitting said forms at least five (5) days prior to Bid opening may be considered non-responsive and their bids may not be read. D. Bidders should submit a base bid as a lump sum value for the work outlined in the bid documents. E. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, or bank draft, payable to the City of Monroe, or a satisfactory bid bond, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the gross bid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted as the successful bid, such successful bidder will execute and file the proper Contract and Performance Bond within the time limit specified by the City of Monroe. NO CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: SUBMITTAL OF A PERFORMANCE BOND IS REQUIRED. If the Successful Bidder fails to file an executed Contract and Performance Bond with the City, the Bid Bond will be executed, and its face value will be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages. F. Bid documents may be obtained from the Engineer’s company website at Upon accessing the website, Bidders will see a link titled, “Obtain Bidding Documents”. Clicking this link will take Bidders directly to the Quest Network Service and will display all projects available for bid through Fehr Graham. On this page, project ads will be listed in the left-hand column with project numbers assigned by Quest displayed. Potential Bidder can enter the Quest project number 8915534 in the field provided to view the full ad for the City of Monroe – Honey Creek Streambank Stabilization Improvements Project and download a complete set of bidding documents from this page for a non-refundable fee of $25.00. Please contact at (952) 233-1632 or for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information. Hard copies of the bid documents may also be obtained and examined from the office of the Engineer at 1107 16th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin 53566 upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of $100 for one set (non-refundable). Overnight mailing of Bidding Documents will not be provided. G. The City of Monroe hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. H. The City of Monroe reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any technicality, and to accept any bid which it deems advantageous. All bids shall remain subject to acceptance for thirty (30) days after the time set for opening of bids. No bidder may withdraw his/her bid within 30 days after the actual day of the opening thereof. I. Each bidder must deposit with his/her bid an amount to secure the bid and subject to the conditions provided in the Information for Bidders, in accordance with bidding requirements set forth in Wis. Stats. 62.15(3). J. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under contract, Section 3, Segregated Facility, Section 109 and E.O. 11246. AUTHORIZATION By: Mr. Nikolai Wahl Title: City Clerk/Deputy Treasurer Date: January 12, 2024 (January 13, 20, 2024) WNAXLP

Debtors Creditors



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JERRY W. THEILER Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth January 21, 1947, and date of death November 27, 2023, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of 467 E. Dale Street Browntown, WI 53522. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is April 8, 2024. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Court.

Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar December 29, 2023

Attorney John C. Sauer Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1122523

(January 6, 13, 20, 2024) WNAXLP



IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GRACE R. HOFFMAN Deceased PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: 1. An application for informal administration was filed. 2. The decedent, with date of birth March 21, 1936, and date of death November 5, 2023, was domiciled in Green County, State of Wisconsin, with a mailing address of N317 Freeport Road, Monroe, WI 53566. 3. All interested persons waived notice. 4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedent’s estate is April 8, 2024. 5. A claim may be filed at the Green County Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, Wisconsin, Probate Court.

Jennifer Prien Probate Registrar December 29, 2023

Attorney John C. Sauer Kittelsen, Barry, Wellington & Thompson S.C. 916 17th Ave. Box 710 Monroe, WI 53566 608-325-2191 Bar Number 1122523

(January 6, 13, 20, 2024) WNAXLP


CITY OF MONROE COMMON COUNCIL MINUTES Date: December 18, 2023 Time: 6:30 PM Place: City Hall Council Chambers - 1110 18th Avenue

A. CALL TO ORDER FOR THIS MEETING The Common Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Douglas on Monday, December 18, 2023, at 6:30 PM. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Present at roll call were Alders Richard Thoman, Andrew Kranig, Chris Schindler, Lynne Kleven, Mary Jane Grenzow, Tom Miller, and Corinne Wartenweiler. Absent was Alders Heidi Treuthardt and Kyle Knoll D. CORRECTION OF MINUTES - DECEMBER 4, 2023 The December 4, 2023, minutes were accepted as presented. E. BUSINESS BY MAYOR 1. Appointments as Election Inspector for a Two-Year Term Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Chris Schindler to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. F. APPEARANCES BY THE PUBLIC 1. Appearances by Citizens 2. Appearances by property/business owners within the City of Monroe or their authorized agents E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Claims List 2. Miscellaneous Licenses Motion made by Andrew Kranig and seconded by Chris Schindler to approve the consent agenda. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. F. COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ON TREASURER'S REPORT (2ND REGULAR MEETING OF EACH MONTH) 1. Treasurer's Report The treasurer's report was accepted as presented. G. PLAN COMMISSION 1. Approval of Certify Survey Maps in NW Development Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Mary Jane Grenzow to approve both CSMs in the NW Development. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. H. SALARY AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE 1. Approval of Resolution to Ratify the WPPA Successor Agreement for 2024-2026 Motion made by Mary Jane Grenzow and seconded by Lynne Kleven to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Approval of Resolution to Ratify WPPA Lateral Hire Memorandum of Understanding Motion made by Mary Jane Grenzow and seconded by Richard Thoman to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. I. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 1. Approval of Resolution to Install Stop Signs at 7th and 8th Street Intersections of 18th Ave Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Approval of Resolution to Install Yield Signs at 22nd Street & 10th Ave Motion made by Corinne Wartenweiler, and seconded by Andrew Kranig to amend the second paragraph and change the word from stop to yield. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the amended resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Approval of Resolution to Install a Handicap Parking Stall on 13th Street Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. J. FINANCE AND TAXATION COMMITTEE 1. Approval of Resolution for the Weights and Measures Assessments Motion made by Richard Thoman and seconded by Tom Miller to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. K. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS 1. Approval of Resolution to Award the 2024-2025 Forestry Contract to Whitney Tree Service Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 2. Approval of Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of Pool Amenities Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 3. Approval of Resolution to Purchase 1-Ton Dump Truck Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. 4. Approval of Resolution for the Purchase and Installation of Lighting at Recreation Park for Tennis Courts Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to approve the resolution. On a roll call vote, Motion Passed. L. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY ALDERPERSONS M. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY DEPARTMENT HEADS City Administrator Rindy and Police Chief Kelley extend warm wishes for the holidays to the council and remind them that there are no meetings until January 8, 2024. N. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESS O. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Tom Miller and seconded by Andrew Kranig to adjourn at 6:53 PM. On a voice vote, Motion Passed. This Council may take any action it considers appropriate related to any item on this agenda. (January 20, 2024) WNAXLP


Applications for three (3) positions on the Blackhawk Technical College District Board are now being accepted. District Board members are not paid, except for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. In the appointment process, equal consideration is given to the general population distribution within the District and women and minorities. In addition, employer and employee representatives should represent the businesses and industries within the District. Additional information on the appointment process is available on the BTC Web page: The following positions are vacant: (1) Employer Member – 3-year term, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 (1) Employee Member – 3-year term, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 (1) School District Administrator – 3-year term, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027 To maintain compliance with the BTC District Board Appointment Committee’s Plan of Representation, the candidates for the above positions must reside in Rock and Green Counties. Applicants must submit two (2) references supporting their nomination to the District Board and attend a District Board Appointment Committee meeting to be interviewed to be appointed. Applications must be submitted in writing on forms available through the above BTC Web address or by contacting: Julie Barreau, Assistant to the President and District Board Blackhawk Technical College 6004 S County Road G PO Box 5009 Janesville WI 53547-5009 (608) 757-7772 Applications will be returned to Ms. Barreau no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 29, 2024. The Appointment Committee consists of the Rock County and Green County Boards of Supervisors chairpersons. In addition, the Rock County Board Chair is Chair of the Appointment Committee. The Appointment Committee will conduct a Public Hearing on Monday, February 19, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. at the Central Campus of Blackhawk Technical College, 6004 S County Road G, Janesville. Those candidates unable to attend the first interview date will have the opportunity to participate in a second interview date and a public hearing scheduled for Thursday, Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the exact location. If all candidates can appear at the first interview, the second interview will be canceled. Per Wisconsin Statutes 38.10, the candidates submitted by the deadline will be published at least fourteen (14) days before the public hearings and meetings. Therefore, no additional names will be accepted from the floor at the time of the Public Hearing and Appointment Committee meeting. PUBLISHED: January 20, 2024 (January 20, 2024) WNAXLP

PROCEEDINGS OF THE GREEN COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS January 11, 2024 County Boardroom, Green County Courthouse, 1016 16th Ave, Monroe, WI

Chair Jerry Guth called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. The Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk read the roll call with 24 present, 5 excused absences being Gundlach, Hoesly, Sass, Schwartz and Sheaffer, 1 absent being Bristow and 1 tardy being Hartwig. Motion by Roemer, seconded by Rufenacht to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2023, meeting. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. Employees with 20 plus years of service with Green County were recognized. Motion by Nelson, seconded by Snow to approve the Anti-trafficking Proclamation. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. ORDINANCE 24-0104 Ordinance Creating Section 9 of Chapter 11 of the Green County Code Titled “Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing” WHEREAS, The County finds that renovations or additions to premises located in the County made to improve energy efficiency, improve water efficiency, and/or use renewable resource applications, increase property values, stimulate local economic activity, provide local and global environmental benefits, and promote the general welfare of County residents; and WHEREAS, adoption of a PACE Ordinance will allow the facilitation of loans arranged by property owners or lessees to make such improvements by treating loan principal and interest, fees, and other charges as special charges eligible for inclusion on the tax roll for these properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that Title 1, Section 11 of the Green County Code be modified as follows: 1-11-9: PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY FINANCING (PACE) 1-11-9-1: PURPOSE The County finds that renovations or additions to premises located in the County made to improve energy efficiency, improve water efficiency, and/or use renewable resource applications, increase property values, stimulate local economic activity, provide local and global environmental benefits, and promote the general welfare of County residents. The purpose of this Section is to facilitate loans arranged by property owners or lessees to make such improvements by treating loan principal and interest, fees, and other charges as special charges eligible for inclusion on the tax roll for these properties. 1-11-9-2: STATUTORY AUTHORITY This ordinance is enacted pursuant to Wis. Stat. §66.0627, as amended, which authorizes a County to make a loan or enter into an agreement regarding loan repayments to a 3rd party for owner-arranged or lessee-arranged financing, to an owner or a lessee of a premises located in the County for making or installing an energy efficiency improvement, a water efficiency improvement or a renewable resource application to a premises. 1-11-9-3: DEFINITIONS ANNUAL INSTALLMENT: The portion of the PACE loan that is due and payable for a particular year under the supplemental agreement. BORROWER: The property owner or lessee of the subject property that borrows the proceeds of a PACE loan. DEFAULT LOAN BALANCE: The outstanding balance, whether or not due, of a PACE loan at the time that the County receives foreclosure proceeds. FORECLOSURE PROCEEDS: The proceeds received by the County from the disposition of a subject property through an in rem property tax foreclosure. LOAN AMOUNT: The principal, interest, administrative fees (including the Program Administrator’s fees) and other loan charges to be paid by the borrower under the PACE loan. PACE: Property Assessed Clean Energy. PACE DEFAULT PROVISIONS: (1) The delinquent annual installment(s) due when the County initiates the in rem property tax foreclosure on the subject property; (2) Any additional annual installment(s) that become due between the time that the County initiates in rem property tax foreclosure on the subject property and the date the County receives the foreclosure proceeds; (3) Any default interest charges applied to unpaid annual installments referenced in subs. (1) and (2) above, as provided in the supplemental agreement; and (4) Any default loan balance. PACE LENDER: Any person that makes a PACE loan, and which may include an affiliate of the borrower. PACE LOAN: A loan made by a PACE lender to a borrower under this Section for energy efficiency improvements, water efficiency improvements, or renewable resource applications made to or installed on a subject property. PERSON: Any individual, association, firm, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, trust, joint venture or other legal entity, or a political subdivision as defined in Wis. Stat. §66.0627. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR: The person retained by the Wisconsin PACE Commission as provided in Section 1-11-9-5. SUBJECT PROPERTY: Any premises located in the County on which an energy-efficiency improvement, water efficiency improvement, or renewable resource application are being or have been made and financed through an outstanding PACE loan. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT: A written agreement among a borrower, a PACE lender and the County, as provided for in Section 1-11-9-6. WISCONSIN PACE COMMISSION: The Wisconsin PACE Commission formed under Wis. Stat. §66.0301, as amended, by the County and one or more other political subdivisions as defined in Wis. Stat. §66.0627, pursuant to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement relating to the Wisconsin PACE Commission. 1-11-9-4: PACE LOANS AS SPECIAL CHARGES; DELINQUENT AMOUNTS AS LIENS Any PACE loan made and secured pursuant to this Section shall be considered a special charge on the subject property. Any annual installment or portion of a PACE loan made and secured pursuant to the Section that becomes delinquent according to the terms of the PACE loan shall be a lien against the subject property and placed on the tax roll, as permitted pursuant to Wis. Stat. §66.0627 as amended. 1-11-9-5: WISCONSIN PACE COMMISSION A. Any of the powers and duties of the County under this Section, except for those under Section 1-11-9-8 may (but are not required to) be delegated to the Wisconsin PACE Commission. B. The Wisconsin PACE Commission is further authorized to retain a Program Administrator to act as its agent and administer the PACE program, subject to adherence with PACE program requirements set forth in this Section and in Wis. Stat. §66.0627 as amended. 1-11-9-6: LOAN APPROVAL A. A prospective borrower applying for a PACE loan shall comply with the loan application process set forth in the program manual approved by the County. B. The County shall approve the financing arrangements between a borrower and PACE lender. 1-11-9-7: SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT A. The County, the borrower and the PACE lender shall execute the supplemental agreement which, without limitation: 1. Shall inform the participants that the PACE loan amount shall be imposed as and considered a special charge, and each year’s annual installment may be included on the property tax roll of the subject property as a special charge and an annual installment that is delinquent shall be a lien against the subject property pursuant to Wis. Stat. §66.0627, as amended; 2. Shall recite the amount and the term of the PACE loan; 3. Shall provide for the amount, or a method for determining the amount, of the annual installment due each year; 4. Shall provide whether default interest may be applied to unpaid annual installments; 5. Shall require the PACE lender and the borrower to comply with all federal, state and local lending and disclosure requirements; 6. Shall provide for any fees payable to the County and/or Program Administrator; 7. Shall recite that the supplemental agreement is a covenant that runs with the land; 8. May provide for prepayments of annual installments by the borrower with a resulting reduction in the special charge for the prepayment, subject to any prepayment premium charged by the PACE lender, if any; and 9. May allow for amendment by the parties. B. Prior to executing the supplemental agreement, the owner of the subject property, if different from the borrower, and any existing mortgage holder(s) on the subject property must have executed a separate writing acknowledging the borrower’s use of PACE financing for the subject property and the special charge that will be imposed under this Section and its consequences, including the remedies for collecting the special charge. C. Each PACE loan shall be amortized over the term of the PACE loan as provided in the supplemental agreement. D. The annual payments of a PACE loan may be payable in installments as authorized by Wis. Stat. §66.0627, as amended. 1-11-9-8: ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS ADDED TO TAX ROLLS Upon the request of the Program Administrator the County shall place each year’s annual installment on the tax roll for the subject property as permitted pursuant to Wis. Stat. §66.0627, as amended. 1-11-9-9: REMITTANCE OF SPECIAL CHARGES The County shall promptly remit to the Wisconsin PACE Commission any payment(s) for a special charge imposed under this Section, including penalties and charges thereon, it may receive from any taxing district or the County Treasurer pursuant to Wis. Stat. Ch. 74, as amended. 1-11-9-10: PROPERTY TAX FORECLOSURE PROCEDURES A. The County elects to utilize the provisions of Wis. Stat. §75.521, as amended, for the purpose of enforcing tax liens if a subject property owner fails to pay any special charges imposed on the subject property under this Chapter as required. B. The County shall begin an in rem property tax foreclosure proceeding on the subject property at the earliest time allowed under Wisconsin Statutes, unless the County determines that subject property is a “brownfield” (as defined is Wis. Stat. §75.106, as amended) or that in rem property tax foreclosure is not in the best interests of the County due to the condition of the property or for other reasons. C. If the County has determined that it will not commence an in rem property tax foreclosure proceeding, then the PACE lender may request that the County, pursuant to Wis. Stat. §75.106, as amended, assign the County’s right to take judgment against the subject property, provided that the PACE lender and the County fully comply with all provisions of Wis. Stat. §75.106, as amended, concerning the subject property and the PACE lender agrees to pay the amounts required by Wis. Stat. §75.36(3)(a)1. and 1m., as amended. 1-11-9-11: SALE OF FORECLOSED PROPERTY If the County prevails in an in rem property tax foreclosure action against a subject property, the County shall diligently proceed to sell the subject property pursuant to the procedures set forth in Wis. Stat. §75.69, as amended. 1-11-9-12: DISTRIBUTION OF FORECLOSURE PROCEEDS The County Treasurer shall follow the procedures set forth in Wis. Stat. §75.36, as amended, to distribute the proceeds from the sale of a subject property. SIGNED: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE: Kristi Leonard, Chair Jody Hoesly, Vice-Chair Brenda Carus Jerry Guth Dawn Sass Motion by Carus, seconded by Roemer to approve Ordinance 24-0104. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION 1-1-24 Resolution Approving Draft PACE Commission Agreement and Designating County “Representative Director” WHEREAS, pursuant to Wis. Stats. §66.0301, two or more municipalities of the State of Wisconsin, may by contract create a commission for the joint exercise of any power or duty required or authorized by law; and WHEREAS, Green County is a “municipality” as that term is defined in Wis. Stats. §66.0301 and a political subdivision located in the State; and WHEREAS, Green County is empowered by law to promote economic, cultural and community development, including, without limitation, the promotion of opportunities for the creation or retention of employment, the stimulation of economic activity, the increase of the tax base, and the promotion of opportunities for education, cultural improvement and public health, safety and general welfare, which may be accomplished by various means; and WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. §66.0627(8) authorizes a city, a village, a town and a county in this State to, among other things, make a loan to or otherwise arrange, participate in or facilitate the financing of an energy improvement, a water efficiency improvement or a renewable resource application to a real property within its jurisdiction and to provide for such financing through the imposition of a special charge against the property benefitted by the energy or water efficiency improvement or renewable resource project; and WHEREAS, such financings are commonly referred to as “Property Assessed Clean Energy” or “PACE” financings; and WHEREAS, Green County has determined that it is in the public interest to provide real property owners, lessees, lenders and other transaction parties in Green County with access to a uniformly-administered program for PACE financing; and WHEREAS, Green County and other counties, with the support and counsel of the Wisconsin Counties Association, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, Green Tier Legacy Communities and other stakeholders, have studied the possibility of creating a commission pursuant to Wis. Stats. §66.0301 to be known as the Wisconsin PACE Commission (“Commission”); and WHEREAS, the Wisconsin PACE Commission would be formed and operated in accordance with a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Relating to Wisconsin PACE Commission (“Commission Agreement”) of which a substantially final draft is attached to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, it is in Green County’s best interests to join the Wisconsin PACE Commission and authorize the execution of the Commission Agreement; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Wis. Stats. §66.0627 and the provisions of the Commission Agreement, Green County must adopt an Ordinance relating to the administration of PACE financings in Green County and throughout the State (“PACE Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, attached to this Resolution is proposed Ordinance, which will be considered at the same meeting at which this Resolution is being considered (“PACE Ordinance”); and WHEREAS, adoption of the PACE Ordinance is a necessary condition to Green County entering into the Commission Agreement; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Resolution to authorize Green County to become a member of the Commission and authorize a duly-appointed representative of Green County to finalize and execute the final Commission Agreement in substantially the form of the draft Commission Agreement attached to this Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Green County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the draft Commission Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, and authorizes and directs the Green County Board Chair to sign such document after receipt of preliminary approval from the other participating municipalities, approval from the Green County official duly-appointed to approve the final form of the Commission Agreement and approval of the Green County Corporation Counsel; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chair of the Green County Board of Supervisors is by directed to appoint a local public official at the county level to act as Green County’s official representative in relation to the final approval of the form of the Commission Agreement and to otherwise take all action necessary to effectuate the intent of this Resolution; and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Green County Administrative Coordinator is designated as the Green County “Representative Director” of the Board of Directors of the Commission in accordance with the Commission Agreement, he or she to serve at the pleasure of the Green County Board of Supervisors. SIGNED: GREEN COUNTY FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE: Kristi Leonard, Chair Jody Hoesly, Vice-Chair Brenda Carus Jerry Guth Dawn Sass Motion by Wilke, seconded by Carlson to approve Resolution 1-1-24. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. ORDINANCE 24-0101 Ordinance Rezoning Parcel in Town of Monroe WHEREAS, the Green County Board of Supervisors has adopted the Green County Land Use and Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Green County Land Use and Zoning Committee has been petitioned to rezone a certain parcel of land from agricultural to commercial; and WHEREAS, the Green County Land Use and Zoning Committee held a public hearing on the Petition on November 13, 2023, and has taken into consideration all of the testimony heard at such public hearing; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Green County Land Use and Zoning Committee that the land area described below be rezoned from agricultural to commercial. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors in legal session assembled, that the following described parcel of land be rezoned agricultural to commercial, to-wit: Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 36, Town Two North, Range Seven East, Town of Monroe, Green County, Wisconsin described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 36, thence East 49 feet to road right of way, thence N0°11’ West along road right of way a distance of 288.75 feet to iron stake and point of beginning, thence East along fence line a distance of 487.6 feet to iron stake, thence N0°11’ West a distance of 134.0 feet to iron stake, thence W 487.6 feet to iron stake on road right of way, thence S0°11’ East along right of way a distance of 134.0 feet to point of beginning. and, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this amendment shall not take effect until more than 40 days after the adoption of the Ordinance by the County Board unless the Town affected files a Resolution with the County Clerk approving the Ordinance, then said Ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of the Resolution of the Town approving the same with the County Clerk; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance shall be published in the official newspaper of the County. SIGNED: LAND USE AND ZONING COMMITTEE: Dennis Schwartz, Chair Barb Krattiger, Vice-Chair Nick Hartwig Sue Nelson Kathy Pennington Motion by Hartwig, seconded by Pennington to approve Ordinance 24-0101. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. ORDINANCE 24-0102 Amendments to Title 4 of the Green County Code WHEREAS, the Green County Land Use and Zoning Committee has general supervision over administration of the County Zoning Code Regulations; and WHEREAS, after review of the Green County Code, the Green County Land Use and Zoning Committee has indicated that the Green County Code is in need of updating to address current land uses; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that Title 4 of the Green County Code be amended as is attached to this Ordinance. SIGNED: LAND USE AND ZONING COMMITTEE: Dennis Schwartz, Chair Barbara Krattiger, Vice-Chair Nick Hartwig Sue Nelson Kathy Pennington Motion by Nelson, seconded by Mandel to approve Ordinance 24-0102. Motion carried by a voice vote with 1 no being Carlson. A complete copy of Ordinance 24-0102 can be found either at the Green County Clerk’s office or on the Green County Website at under “Government” and “County Code, Title 4 Zoning Regulations, Sanitary Code, and Subdivision Regulations.” ORDINANCE 24-0103 Modification to Title 1, Section 11 of the Green County Code titled “County Purchases and Contracts” WHEREAS, the Green County Finance and Accounting Committee has general supervision over County purchases and contracts; and WHEREAS, after review of the Green County Code, the Green County Finance and Accounting Committee has indicated that the Green County Code is in need of updating; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that Title 1, Section 11 of the Green County Code be modified as follows: 1-11-2: COUNTY PURCHASES AND CONTRACTS A. All contracts and purchases necessary to carry out approved budgetary operations, such as repairs, supplies, purchased services, personal property outlay items, etc., shall be reviewed, approved and executed as follows: 1. Cost or price of under ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) review, approval and execution of documents by the appropriate department head or anyone specifically appointed by the department head to do so. Exceptions to the dollar limit may be formally granted by the Supervisory Committee for specific, repetitive and/or high-volume purchases. 2. Cost or price of over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) and less than seventy-five one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($75150,000.00), except those of a repetitive, high volume nature, which were exempted under subsection A1 above, approval by the appropriate department head and Supervisory Committee before purchase is made. 3. Cost or price in excess of seventy-five one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($75150,000.00), recommendation by the appropriate department head and the Supervisory Committee to the full County Board and approval by the full Board before the purchase is made. Execution of the contract documents shall be by the Green County Board Chairperson and the appropriate Committee Chairperson, after the document has been reviewed by the Green County Corporation Counsel. 4. The above dollar amounts shall apply to payments in one calendar year or total contract cost or price, whichever is larger. 5. Debarment or Suspension. The County will not select any contractor or business that is suspended or debarred from doing business with any Federal agency. The Department Head will search the System of Award website (SAM), or any other federally endorsed website to ensure that the contractor or business is not debarred or suspended prior to the award of the contract. (Ord. 23-1101, 11/9/2023) SIGNED: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE: Kristi Leonard, Chair Jody Hoesly, Vice-Chair Brenda Carus Jerry Guth Dawn Sass Motion by Leonard, seconded by Tschudy to approve Ordinance 24-0103. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION 1-2-24 Resolution Approving Human Services Fee Schedule WHEREAS, Wis. Stats. §51.42 requires that the county board approve the Department of Human Services fee schedule annually; and WHEREAS, the Green County Human Services Board has reviewed and approved the proposed 2024 fee schedule; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the 2024 Human Services fee schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, be established effective January 1, 2024. SIGNED: HUMAN SERVICES BOARD: Michael Furgal, Chair Russ Torkelson, Vice-chair Linda Boll David Bristow Todd Larson Will Oemichen Sarah Endicott Anita Huffman Motion by Boll, seconded by Krattiger to approve Resolution 1-2-24. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. A complete copy of the Human Services Fee Schedule can be found either at the Human Services Department, Green County Clerk’s office or on the Green County Website at under “Agendas & Minutes,” County Board of Supervisors January 11 County Board agenda. RESOLUTION 1-3-24 Resolution Creating Human Services Positions WHEREAS, County Code 1-7-4 directs and charges the Personnel and Labor Relations Committee with the responsibility for considering and recommending requests for employee reclassification, creation and description of new positions and associated grades. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the Board consider the recommendation of the Personnel and Labor Relations Committee for the creation of the following position at Human Services: Create 1.0 FTE Mental Health Therapist II (Certified) Proposed: Unit: Children, Youth & Families/Child Advocacy Center Title: Mental Health Therapist – Certified Grade: Payroll Group 4, Grade M Status: Full-time 40 hrs per week, non-exempt Minimum/Maximum Hourly Rate: $30.06/$37.79 Benefits: All county fringe benefits Effective Date: January 15, 2024 Tax Levy: $0 SIGNED: PERSONNEL AND LABOR RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Jerry Guth, Chair Harvey Mandel, Vice-Chair Kristi Leonard Richard Thoman Linda Boll Michael Furgal Dave Tschudy Motion by Furgal, seconded by Wilke to approve Resolution 1-3-24. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION 1-4-24 Resolution Approving Grant Applications for Human Services Department WHEREAS, the Finance and Accounting Committee adopted a Grant Application and Acceptance procedure at its August 2, 2005 meeting, which states that grants over ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) shall be subject to County Board consideration before acceptance, after approval by the oversight committee and Finance Committee; and WHEREAS, County Code Section 2-12-1, entitled COUNTY BOARD APPROVAL, provides for County Board approval of programs or services within Green County which are funded by other than County funds and revenues. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the Board approve the recommendation of the appropriate oversight committee and the Finance and Accounting Committee for approval of the following grant application and amend the departmental budget for 2024 as follows: Department Grant Amount Purpose Human Amended Outdoor Services Revenues Public Health Department Budget Account Budget Increase Vending Machine $50,000 536562-4329 $50,000 $50,000 SIGNED: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE: Kristi Leonard, Chair Jody Hoesly, Vice-chair Brenda Carus Jerry Guth Dawn Sass Motion by Furgal, seconded by Even to approve Resolution 1-4-24. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. RESOLUTION 1-5-24 Resolution Awarding Historic Courthouse Porch & Stair Repair Project (Contracts Over $75,000) WHEREAS, County Code Section 1-11-2, entitled COUNTY PURCHASES AND CONTRACTS, provides for review, approval and execution of all County contracts and purchases necessary to carry out approved budget operations; and WHEREAS, Section 1-11-2(A)(3) STATES: Cost or price in excess of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00), recommendation by the appropriate department head and the supervisory committee to the full County Board with approval by the full Board before the purchase is made. Execution of the contract documents shall be by the Green County Board Chair and the appropriate Committee Chairperson, after the document has been reviewed by the Green County Corporation Counsel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Green County Board of Supervisors, in legal session assembled, that the Board approve the recommendation of the Green County Property, Parks and Insurance Committee for the following contract: Historic Courthouse Porch & Stair Repair Project TRICON $887,200 SIGNED: PROPERTY, PARKS AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE: Roger Truttmann, Chair Barb Krattiger, Vice-Chair Jody Hoesly Joe Snow Dennis Schwartz REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: Roger Truttmann, Chair Jerry Guth Brian Bucholtz Property, Parks and Insurance Committee County Board Chair Corporation Counsel Motion by Snow, seconded by Truttmann to approve Resolution 1-5-24. Motion carried by a voice vote with no’s being Even, Hartwig and Williams. Clerk Voegeli announced that the supervisors turning in reimbursements will need itemized receipts. SWWRPC materials were distributed to the board. Motion by Kubly, seconded by Carlson to adjourn at 8:32 p.m. Motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) )SS COUNTY OF GREEN ) I, Arianna L. Voegeli, County Clerk, in and for said County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings of the County Board of Supervisors of Green County, Wisconsin, on their meeting of January 11, 2024, A.D. Arianna L. Voegeli Green County Clerk (January 20, 2024) WNAXLP